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The IMP historical Slovene language resources

  • Project Notes
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Language Resources and Evaluation Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The paper describes the combined results of several projects which constitute a basic language resource infrastructure for printed historical Slovene. The IMP language resources consist of a digital library, an annotated corpus and a lexicon, which are interlinked and uniformly encoded following the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines. The library holds about 650 units (mostly complete books) consisting of facsimiles with 45,000 pages as well as hand-corrected and structured transcriptions. The hand-annotated corpus has 300,000 tokens, where each word is tagged with its modernised word form, lemma, part-of-speech and, in cases of archaic words, its nearest contemporary equivalents. This information was extracted into the lexicon, which also covers an extended target-annotated corpus, resulting in 20,000 lemmas (of these 4,000 archaic) with 50,000 modern word forms and 70,000 attested forms. We have also developed a program to modernise, tag and lemmatise historical Slovene, and annotated the digital library with it, producing an automatically annotated corpus of 15 million words. To serve the humanities, the digital library and lexicon are available for reading and browsing on the web and the corpora via a concordancer. For language technology research and development the resources are available in source TEI XML under the Creative Commons Attribution licence. The paper presents the IMP resources, available from, the process of their compilation, encoding and dissemination, and concludes with directions for future research.

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Fig. 1
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Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7


  1. We have registered with IANA the sl-bohoric sub-language tag for texts using the Bohorič alphabet, as well as sl-dajnko and sl-metelko for the Dajnko and Metelko alphabets, in which a number of books were also printed. These tags can be used e.g., as the value of @xml:lang attribute.

  2. TEI stylesheets are available at and support the conversion of many formats to and from TEI P5.

  3. We have given Slovene glosses to all the 546 elements defined by the TEI. The localisation is available at

  4. The site with the AHLib DL and links to the Graz resources is

  5. While the original rtf2tei converter is no longer maintained, we have developed a new web-based Word to TEI P5 converter, which upgrades the current TEI XSLT stylesheets for docx2tei and tei2html conversion. The Web service accepts Office Open XML documents and converts them to TEI P5 and from there to HTML, and stores the complete results on a unique URL. It is available at

  6. The project can be found at

  7. The wiki2tei converter is available as a Web service at, with its PHP source on It has an interface both in Slovene and English and can also convert the works of other Wikisource languages, but the quality of the output depends on how much their format differs from the Wikivir one.

  8. A previous, smaller and less well-annotated version is described in Erjavec (2012b).

  9. Page sampling is unusual as pages do not correspond to linguistically motivated units but in the case of historical texts it is difficult to come up with a better alternative as some texts do not even distinguish divisions or paragraphs or these are very long. Furthermore, the alignment of text samples with the facsimiles is also preserved in this way.

  10. In IMPACT such lexicons and the corpora they were based on were developed also for other languages, e.g., for Polish (Bień 2014) and Spanish (Sánchez-Martínez et al. 2013), where a similar approach to ours was taken.

  11. The aim was to keep goo300k and foo3M disjoint, so the former can be used as the training and the latter as a realistic test set in lexicon related experiments.

  12. Currently, the TEI lexicon contains 9 random examples, and HTML 4. Including all examples would be also possible, but for very frequent words this is a few thousand examples.

  13. Sloleks is available for download under CC BY-NC from

  14. The home page of IMP is


  16. The eZISS digital library home page is


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The author thanks the two anonymous reviewers for useful comments and suggestions. For collaborating in the compilation of the IMP language resources thanks are due to Kozma Ahačič, Simon Atelšek, Tina Benčina, Katja Cingerle, Metod Čepar, Darja Fišer, Miran Hladnik, Alenka Jelovšek, Urška Kamenšek, Alenka Kavčič Čolić, Domen Kermc, Maša Kodrič, Simon Krek, Nina Mikulin, Matija Ogrin, Daša Pokorn, Erich Prunč, Zala Šmid, Ines Vodopivec and Maja Žorga Dulmin. The work presented in this paper was supported by the Austrian Academy project “Deutsch-slowenische/kroatische Übersetzung 1848–1918”, the EU IMPACT project “Improving Access to Text”, the Google Digital Humanities Research Award “Language models for historical Slovenian”, and the Research Programme P2-0103 “Knowledge Technologies” funded by the Slovenian Research Agency.

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Erjavec, T. The IMP historical Slovene language resources. Lang Resources & Evaluation 49, 753–775 (2015).

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