In this paper, we discuss the development of a multilingual dataset annotated with a hierarchical, fine-grained tagset marking different types of aggression and the “context" in which they occur. The context, here, is defined by the conversational thread in which a specific comment occurs and also the “type” of discursive role that the comment is performing with respect to the previous comment(s). The dataset has been developed as part of the ComMA Project and consists of a total of 57,363 annotated comments, 1142 annotated memes, and around 70 h of annotated audio (extracted from videos) in four languages—Meitei, Bangla, Hindi, and Indian English. This data has been collected from various social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram. As is usual on social media websites, a large number of these comments are multilingual, and many are code-mixed with English. This paper gives a detailed description of the tagset developed during the course of this project and elaborates on the process of developing and using a multi-label, fine-grained tagset for marking comments with aggression and bias of various kinds, which includes gender bias, religious intolerance (called communal bias in the tagset), class/caste bias, and ethnic/racial bias. We define and discuss the tags that have been used for marking different discursive roles being performed through the comments, such as attack, defend, and so on. We also present a statistical analysis of the dataset as well as the results of our baseline experiments for developing an automatic aggression identification system using the dataset developed. Based on the results of the baseline experiments, we also argue that our dataset provides diverse and ‘hard’ sets of instances which makes it a good dataset for training and testing new techniques for aggressive and abusive language classification.

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Dataset availability
The dataset is made freely available on our GitHub repository—https://github.com/kmi-linguistics/comma under AGPL 3.0 license for research. For commercial usage, the dataset will be made available through a separate commercial agreement, to be executed on case-to-case basis.
For example, some work on selecting the best representative sample for building cross-lingual parsing system using Universal Dependencies dataset (Schluter & Agić, 2017) have shown that it may not be necessary to have datasets for all languages but a careful, intelligent selection of diverse languages might also prove to be useful. In case of abusive language research, no such study has been carried out; also the kind of languages being represented may not be representative of the diversity of languages in the world.
Especially in case of cyberbullying which is defined as hateful or offensive speech—for any act to be classified as “bullying", it must be repetitive and a power equation needs to be involved but it is not necessarily true across all datasets.
All the examples given in this document are “real-life" examples and have been reproduced exactly as they appear in the actual post/comment and form part of our corpus. The comments written in the Devanagari and Bangla scripts have been transcribed in the Roman script for the benefit of the readers.
What we learnt in hindsight is that it might have been a better idea to force these diversions and breaks into the annotation tool itself—that would have proved to be a better and more useful tactic. We are now looking at good ways of integrating this in the annotation tool.
Each “file" represents all the annotated comments from one single video.
In all the tables, MN—Meitei, BN— Bangla, HN—Hindi, EN—English, CM—Code-Mix, Agg.—Aggression, Ag. In.—Aggression Intensity, Dis.—Discursive, Gen.—Gendered, Com.—Communal, Ca./Cl.—Caste/Class, Et./Ra.—Ethnic/Racial, Comm.—Total number of Comments on YouTube Video for that class and language, Cnt.—Count of the audio instances for that class and language, Reg—Regular, Sur—Surprise.
Major religious groups in India.
BJP is a Hindu Nationalist Party currently heading the central government of India.
It might be possible to improve on these by using the additional information provided by us. However, discussion of such experiments is out of the scope of the current paper and may be taken up as future work.
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This research is funded by Facebook Research under its Content Policy Research Initiative. We would like to thank Afrida Aainun Murshida, Sanju Pukhrambam, Diana Thingujam, and Sonal Sinha for helping us out with annotations at different points in the project.
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Appendix A: Data statement
Appendix A: Data statement
1.1 A.1 Header
Dataset Title: ComMA Dataset v0.2
Dataset Curator(s):
Akash Bhagat, Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur
Enakshi Nandi, Panlingua Language Processing LLP, New Delhi
Laishram Niranjana Devi, Panlingua Language Processing LLP, New Delhi
Mohit Raj, Panlingua Language Processing LLP, New Delhi
Shiladitya Bhattacharya, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Shyam Ratan, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra
Siddharth Singh, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra
Yogesh Dawer, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra
Dataset Version: Version 0.2, 2nd October 2021
Dataset Citation: NA
Data Statement Authors:
Enakshi Nandi, Panlingua Language Processing LLP, New Delhi
Laishram Niranjana Devi, Panlingua Language Processing LLP, New Delhi
Shyam Ratan, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University
Data Statement Version: 1, 17th November 2021
Data Statement Citation and DOI: NA
Links to versions of this data statement in other languages: NA
1.2 A.2 Executive summary
The objective of working on this dataset is to identify and tag aggression and various kinds of bias (gender, communal, caste/class, ethnic/racial) in social media discourse. To that end, this dataset has been compiled by collecting over 70 h of annotated audio, over 1.2k annotated memes, and over 57k text data points (totalling over 172k manual annotations) from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram in Meitei, Bangla, Hindi, and English. The data was collected from videos/audios, memes, and posts that were politically, socially, sexually, religiously, racially, or otherwise polarized or controversial in nature, so as to elicit a wide and extensive range of hateful, aggressive, gendered, communal, casteist, classist, and racist speech data for our dataset.
1.3 A.3 Curation rationale
This dataset was created with the ultimate goal of developing a system that is able to identify and tag aggression, gender bias, communal bias, caste/class bias, and ethnic/racial bias in social media discourse. To that end, this dataset has been manually annotated by multiple annotators in order to identify the linguistic and pragmatic features that characterize aggression, gender bias, communal bias, caste/class bias, and ethnic/racial bias in the comments on posts, videos, memes, and articles posted on social media sites such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram.
The specific social media posts and articles whose comments we collected were selected manually, and then crawled with the help of their respective web crawlers. This selection process was contingent on many factors, the chief of which was the need to collect as many aggressive, gender biased, communal, casteist, classist, and racist comments as possible to create a robust dataset. To that end, we focused on identifying controversial posts of a politically, socially, sexually, communally, and racially charged nature that have elicited a significant number of the kind of comments described above. We have then followed similar suggested posts, videos, or articles on the platform to collect more data of a similar or comparable nature. The second factor was language: the comments needed to be in Meitei, Bangla, and Hindi for the most part, with English comments included because they are ubiquitous in the context of Indian social media.
The dataset was organized in the form of a spreadsheet, with each comment identified by a unique comment code that would help the annotators distinguish an independent comment from comments featuring in a thread, and each comment posted under an article or video constituting one data instance, regardless of its length, language, or content. In other words, a data instance can be a single letter or an essay-length comment, can be written in a single language or a combination of languages, and can contain text (in any script), numerals, and emojis individually or all in one comment. The data instance is annotated taking the entire comment as one single, compact unit.
1.4 A.4 Documentation for source datasets
This dataset has been developed from a source dataset that marked only aggressive speech collected from public Facebook and Twitter pages, and a subsequent source dataset that developed the tagset to include speech with aggression and gender bias, collected from Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
The links for the research papers published and the workshops conducted on the respective source datasets are listed below:
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
The current dataset was built on the foundation laid down by these source datasets, and has added several new, finely-grained tags, including two primary tags marking caste/class bias and ethnic/racial bias, and two secondary tags that mark the discursive roles and discursive effects of (overtly and covertly) aggressive speech.
1.5 A.5 Language varieties
The languages included in this dataset, listed with their respective BCP-47 language tags, include:
code unavailable: Meitei as spoken by the Meitei community in Manipur, India.
bn-IN and bn-BD: Bangla (and its varieties) as spoken in India and Bangladesh.
he-IN: Hindi (and its varieties) as spoken in various parts of India.
en-IN: English (and its varieties) as spoken in India, otherwise known as Indian English.
Since this dataset has been exclusively collected from online sources, the users writing the comments are assumed to be multilingual and may be based in any part of the world, not just in the places these languages are primarily spoken in. However, the language varieties used in the dataset are primarily those mentioned in the list above.
1.6 A.6 Speaker demographic
This dataset has been sourced exclusively from the internet, hence the speaker demographic of the dataset cannot be identified beyond the language they speak. It is assumed that the speakers could be of any age, gender, sexual orientation, educational background, nationality, caste, class, religion, race, tribe, or ethnicity.
The speakers are probably multilingual as well, with the language they post in being one of the many they would know or be fluent in. It is a safe assumption to make that many of these comments are made by Indians (specifically people who have Meitei, Bangla, and Hindi as their first or primary language) and Bangladeshis given the nature and reach of the topics selected, but this assumption is not backed by any data or statistical findings.
1.7 A.7 Annotator demographic
The annotation scheme and guidelines for this dataset has been developed by Dr Ritesh Kumar, the principal investigator of the ComMA Project and a faculty at the Department of Transdisciplinary Studies, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra, India. He was assisted by the co-PIs of the project - Dr. Bornini Lahiri, Assistant Professor at IIT-Kharagpur and Dr. Atul Kr. Ojha and Akanksha Bansal, co-founders of Panlingua Language Processing LLP - and annotators of this dataset, who have been listed below. Further, these annotators have manually identified the appropriate posts and videos to work on, crawled the data, and then annotated and analysed the processed data in their respective languages.
annotator_1: A 31-year-old Bengali Muslim woman working from Gangtok, Sikkim. She has a PhD in English, speaks Bangla, Hindi, and English, and her ideological leanings are centrist. She is annotating the Bangla data.
annotator_2: A 29-year-old Bengali Hindu man working from Malda, West Bengal. He has an MA in Linguistics, and speaks Bangla, English, Hindi and Bhojpuri. He is annotating the Bangla data.
annotator_3: A 24-year-old Meitei woman working from Imphal, Manipur. She has an MA in Linguistics, speaks Meiteilon, English, and Hindi, and her ideological leanings are centrist. She is annotating the Meitei data.
annotator_4: A 33-year-old Bengali Hindu woman working from Kalyani, West Bengal. She has a PhD in Linguistics, speaks English, Hindi, Bangla, and Sylheti, and her ideological leanings are leftist. She is annotating the Bangla data.
annotator_5: A 30-year-old Meitei Hindu woman working from Imphal, Manipur. She is pursuing a PhD in Linguistics, speaks English, Hindi, and Meitei, and her ideological leanings are centrist. She is annotating the Meitei data.
annotator_6: A 24-year-old Meitei man working from Imphal, Manipur. He is an MA in Linguistics, and speaks Meiteilon, English, and Hindi. He is annotating the Meitei data.
annotator_7: A 25-year-old North Indian Hindu man working from Agra, Uttar Pradesh. He is pursuing an MPhil in Linguistics, and speaks Braj, Hindi and English. He is annotating the English and Hindi data.
annotator_8: A 27-year-old North Indian Hindu man working from Agra, Uttar Pradesh. He is pursuing an MSc in Computational Linguistics, speaks Hindi, Bhojpuri,and English and his ideological leanings are centrist. He is annotating the English and Hindi data.
annotator_9: A 27-year-old North Indian Hindu woman working from Patna, Bihar. She is pursuing an MPhil in Linguistics and speaks Bhojpuri, Hindi, and English. She is annotating the Hindi and English data.
annotator_10: A 32-year-old Punjabi Hindu man working from Agra, Uttar Pradesh. He is an MA in Journalism and in Linguistics, speaks English, Hindi, and Punjabi, and his ideological leanings are leftist. He is annotating the English and Hindi data.
A 28-year-old North Indian Hindu man working from Patna, Bihar. He is pursuing a PhD in Linguistics, speaks English, Hindi, Magahi, and Bhojpuri, and his ideological leanings are centrist. He is annotating the English and Hindi data.
A 33-year-old Bengali Hindu man working from Kolkata and New Delhi. He has a PhD in Computational Linguistics, speaks Bangla, Hindi, and English, and his ideological leanings are leftist. He is annotating the Bangla data.
1.8 A.8 Speech situation and text characteristics
This dataset comprises of online comments written by users of various social media platforms. The comments collected range from 2012 to 2021 (and continuing), and form part of an extensive and intensive social media discourse.
Time and place of linguistic activity - Online
Date(s) of data collection - April to September 2021
Modality - Written
Scripted/edited vs. spontaneous - Spontaneous
Synchronous vs. asynchronous interaction - Asynchronous (online comments)
Speakers’ intended audience - Other users of the respective social media platforms and channels
Genre - Social media
Topic - Socially or politically polarizing or controversial topics
Non-linguistic context - The videos which provide the context for the comments generated
Additional details about the cultural context - The sociopolitical climate and cultural context in which the commenters live have a huge influence on the nature, tone, and ideological underpinnnings of the comments they write on social media
1.9 A.9 Preprocessing and data formatting
The preprocessing of the raw data involves deleting all duplicates of a data instance, deleting data instances with urls and texts with less than three words, and removing data instances which occur in languages apart from Meitei, Bangla, Hindi, and English. In the Telegram data, all translations of texts have been deleted manually. The data instances are listed without the names of the commenters, but when someone has replied to a previous comment by tagging them with the ’@’ symbol, that information is available to the annotator within the text itself.
Next, the processed data is arranged on a Google spreadsheet, columns are made with the relevant headings and tags (using the option for data validation), and copies of the spreadsheet are shared amongst the annotators working on a particular language so they can annotate the files individually and without consultation with each other. This is to ensure that no annotator is influenced in their annotation by the ideas of another. However, at no stage in the process are the annotators anonymous to each other or anyone else in the team.
1.10 A.10 Capture quality
As with any other dataset, we have faced quality issues in data capture. The primary of these is the difficulty in finding every kind of data in every language. For instance, in Bangla, it is very difficult to find racist or communal data, because most conversations that we have come across in social media platforms that are of a communal or racist nature and involves Bangla speakers occur in English. Similar challenges have been faced in Meitei with regard to casteist data, and in Hindi with regard to ethnically and racially biased data. These discrepancies can be explained when the social, political, and cultural contexts of each of these language and speech communities is taken into consideration, which are significantly different from each other.
1.11 A.11 Limitations
Following the point in the previous section, another limitation in the data is the dearth of comments that can be tagged by the discursive effects of counterspeech, abet and instigate, and gaslighting. In contrast, the discursive effect of attack is very well-represented, not so closely followed by defend. All of these factors combine to make it challenging for the dataset in each language to be equally representative of each of the primary tags, thus making it difficult for the researchers to embark on intensive comparative analyses of the characteristics of each of these phenomena across all of the languages being analysed.
This tagset also does not allow us the option to distinguish a personal attack from an identity based one, to mark national/regional or political bias, and to distinguish sexual harassment from aggression, sexual threat, and gender bias. These are shortcomings that will have to be addressed and resolved in subsequent versions of the tagset.
1.12 A.12 Metadata
The relevant links to the metadata for this dataset have been provided below:
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Annotation Guidelines:
Annotation Process: Manual annotation
Dataset Quality Metrics: Krippendorff’s Alpha for IAA
Errata: NA
1.13 A.13 Disclosures and Ethical Review
This dataset has been funded by Facebook Research under Content Policy Research Initiative Phase 2.
1.14 A.14 Other
1.15 A.15 Glossary
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Kumar, R., Ratan, S., Singh, S. et al. A multilingual, multimodal dataset of aggression and bias: the ComMA dataset. Lang Resources & Evaluation 58, 757–837 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-023-09696-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-023-09696-7