It is very challenging to design an efficient wireless communication system. It is because of many factors, affecting the performance of a typical wireless communication system. With all these years’ rapid development in wireless communication, high demands for broadband mobile wireless communications and the emergence of new wireless multimedia applications have constituted the motivation to the development of broadband wireless access technologies. The long term evolution (LTE) system has been specified by the third generation partnership project (3GPP) on the way towards fourth-generation (4G) mobile to ensure 3GPP keeping the dominance of the cellular communication technologies. LTE-advanced (LTE-A) is the project name of the evolved version of LTE that is being developed by 3GPP. LTE-A will meet or exceed the requirements of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for the 4G radio communication standard. LTE-A is being specified initially as part of the 3GPP specifications. Where the current generation of mobile telecommunication networks are collectively known as 3G (for “third generation”), LTE is marketed as 4G. In this paper, LTE-A WINNER MIMO uses orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) for the downlink that is, from the base station to the terminal. OFDMA meets the LTE requirement for spectrum flexibility and enables cost-efficient solutions for very wide carriers with high peak rates. The multiple access schemes in LTE downlink uses orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA). Power saving in transmission is an extensive issue for the multiple access techniques used in LTE, therefore in this paper, an important transmission factor SER for OFDMA system, is considered. This paper provides comparison of SER performance versus SNR of OFDMA system for different relay environment in WINNER, MIMO LTE-A.
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Saravanan, K., Kavida, A.C. & Bennet, M.A. Design of efficient wireless communication system with improved SER using different relay environment. Cluster Comput 22 (Suppl 5), 10519–10527 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-017-1097-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-017-1097-8