In order to identify the network attack elements better, and solve the nonlinear data multi-classification problem of the network attack elements, this paper presents a classification model and training method based on radial basis neural network. The model uses the training sample error to construct the cost function to solve the minimum value of the cost function and improve the classification accuracy. In the training process of the model, the K-mean algorithm is improved by constructing the average difference between the samples, the number of the hidden layer nodes and the initial value of the basis function center are determined, and the influence of the hidden layer structure on the classification accuracy is reduced. The learning rate in the gradient algorithm is optimized by Q learning method, and the interference of the learning rate to the training of the network parameters is reduced. The OLS algorithm is used to adjust the weights of the hidden layer to the output layer to improve the accuracy of the model classification output. The simulation results show that the model can solve the nonlinear classification problem of network attack well, and the average accuracy rate is improved by about 9% compared with the existing classification methods.

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This work was supported in part by Key Science and Technology Project of Jilin Province (20160204019GX) and National High-tech R&D (863) Program of China (2015AA015701).
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Wang, H., Gu, J., Di, X. et al. Research on classification and recognition of attacking factors based on radial basis function neural network. Cluster Comput 22 (Suppl 3), 5573–5585 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-017-1371-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-017-1371-9