MANETs have grown into a usually used network for countless applications. Mostly, a transmission medium perspective undergoes with thoughtful security worries, which may be focused to packet dropping. In the network, when packet forward the drooping of valuable packets may occur due to the presence of malicious nodes. The major sources in MANET for packet losses are malicious packet dropping and link error. A node can perform unkindly and could harm the process of sending the packet. In order to overcome the issues and to have an efficient detection process of malicious drop with better secure performances, the improved failure aware third party Auditor (IFTPA) based homomorphism linear authenticator (HLA) mechanism (IFHM) is proposed with the secured ad hoc on demand distance vector (SAODV). The proposed approach permitsthe trustworthiness verification of packet loss information and malicious node detection by dropping identifying of routing and data packet. Packet dropping is because of the both link error and occurrence of malicious nodes, which can identify by SAODV. To make certain efficiency, the authentication service is implemented in the protocol. However, to succeed storage scalability, the protocol implements the pseudo random function (PRF) in the system to fix the secret key of a client to its uniqueness using the secret key of its server.

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Vanitha, K., Zubair Rahaman, A.M.J. Preventing malicious packet dropping nodes in MANET using IFHM based SAODV routing protocol. Cluster Comput 22 (Suppl 6), 13453–13461 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-018-1958-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-018-1958-9