Wireless sensor networks have become the backbone of modern information technology, which supports the service oriented architecture in a major activity. There are a number of routing and security protocols recommended for improving the performance of packet transmission. However, is hard to achieve the required performance. Sectional transmission analysis (STA) based approach is proposed in this paper for implementing the performance in reliability of transmission and security in routing. The method performs route discovery initially and collects various routes available to reach the destination. Also the method learns the network topology on the basis of the routes and their parameters. Second, the network has been sectioned into numbers and the transmission analysis is performed at each identified section. STA is performed on the basis of the details available in the routes identified. At the route discovery, each node updates its transmission details, neighbor details, energy details, etc. Using this information, STA is performed on the routes of each section. Based on the result, a single route and a section have been identified for the transmission of the packet. The same has been used for performing various threats involved and identifies a set of malicious nodes present in each sector identified. The approach improves the performance of secure routing and transmission reliability.

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Kingsly Stephen, R., Chandra Sekar, A. & Dinakaran, K. Sectional Transmission analysis approach for improved reliable transmission and secure routing in wireless sensor networks. Cluster Comput 22 (Suppl 2), 3759–3770 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-018-2276-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-018-2276-y