Cloud computing provides effective ways to rapidly provision computing resources over the Internet. For a better management of resource provisioning, the system requires to predict service-level agreements (SLAs) such as virtual machine (VM) startup times under various conditions of computing resources. The VM startup time is an important SLA parameter, which can impact other SLA parameters such as service initiation time and VM scale out times. By predicting VM startup times, Cloud providers can improve Cloud users’ expectations. Various quality of service (QoS) parameters have been considered in different resource allocation frameworks. Also, there are several efforts addressing QoS prediction in cloud environments. However, little research has considered VM startup time as a QoS parameter. In this paper, we propose a regression tree model for predicting average, minimum, and maximum VM startup times. To test the efficiency of our model, we implemented the model in an OpenStack test environment. The test results show that our model predicts VM startup times with an average accuracy of 91.81%.

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Scale_up time is the time taken to increase a specific number of VMs.
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Yatheendraprakash Govindaraju would like to thank the Mexican National Council for Science and Technology (CONACyT) for the full-time scholarship of his postgraduate studies.
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Govindaraju, Y., Duran-Limon, H.A. & Mezura-Montes, E. A regression tree predictive model for virtual machine startup time in IaaS clouds. Cluster Comput 24, 1217–1233 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-020-03169-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-020-03169-0