In the field of distributed medical data storage, relayed data is usually kept centrally on the central node, which may lead to an increased risk of a single point of failure and security challenges from malicious tampering. While introducing backup nodes can partially alleviate these issues, the efficiency of synchronization and switching between nodes remains constrained. In addition, nodes storing relayed data can reach a consensus to modify the forwarded data, which lacks trustworthiness. Given the problems faced by traditional distributed storage in the field of medical data, combined with the characteristics of blockchain technology, we propose a distributed medical data storage model based on blockchain technology, named DDS (Decentralized Distributed Storage), which is intended to be applied in medical data management. In the DDS model, we embed relay data into blocks for storage and ensure the integrity and security of relay data for medical data by introducing redundant blockchain storage and collaborative verification mechanisms. The model is divided into two key phases: the storage phase of relay data of medical data and the verification phase. In the storage phase, the doctor’s signature and the associated copy location data are sent to multiple validation nodes, after which the relay data block of medical data is generated and written to the blockchain. In the validation phase, the node first verifies whether the local relay data blockchain state is consistent with the global state. If it is not, a state synchronization operation is performed. Next, the validation node retrieves the local relay data blockchain to verify the integrity of the medical data relay data. From the theoretical analysis and experimental results, the DDS model can ensure the traceability and integrity of relay medical data and has good concurrent processing performance and less impact on the efficiency of medical data storage.

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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 71972165,61763048), Key Projects of Basic Research for Science and Technology Foundation of Yunnan Province (No. 202001AS070031), Special Foundation for Local Science and Technology Development Guided by the Central Government of Yunnan Province Science and Technology Deatment (No.202307AB110009), Science and Technology Foundation of Yunnan Province Education Department (No.2023J0657), Yunnan Key Laboratory of Blockchain Application Technology (No.YNB202104).
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Duan, C., Jiang, R., Zhang, Y. et al. Distributed medical data storage model based on blockchain technology. Cluster Comput 27, 4757–4777 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-023-04207-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-023-04207-3