Cyber defense solutions that can adapt to new threats and learn to act independently of human guidance are necessary in light of the proliferation of so-called 'next-generation' cyberattacks. Multi-granularity feature aggregation is a method for detecting network intrusions, but its accuracy is often low due to class imbalance and various classifications of intrusions. To address this issue, this model employs a hybrid sampling algorithm composed of ADASYN and repeated edited nearest neighbors (RENN) for sample processing. The feature-discriminative ability of various assaults is improved by employing channel self-attention at the block level during classification. Finally, an enhanced reptile search algorithm (IRSA) is proposed, which uses a sine cosine algorithm and Levy flight to optimally select the weight of the proposed model. The Levy factor boosts the exploitation capabilities of the search agents, and an algorithm with improved global search capabilities prevents local minimal entrapment by undertaking a full-scale search space. To learn binary and multiclass classification, the model was trained on the CIC-IDS 2017, UNSW-NB15, and WSN-DS datasets. Accuracy and falsehood are just some of the evaluation criteria used in the confusion matrix to determine the system's efficacy. Experimental consequences demonstrate a high detection rate, good accuracy, and a relatively low false alarm rate (FAR), validating the efficacy of the suggested approach. Following that, K4 achieved an accuracy score of 81.99, the precision-recall (PR) was 82.69, the detection rate (D.R.) was 82.12, the F1-score was 80.33, and the FAR was 2.3, all in that order.

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The data that support the findings of this study are available upon reasonable request from the authors.
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Biyyapu, N., Veerapaneni, E.J., Surapaneni, P.P. et al. Designing a modified feature aggregation model with hybrid sampling techniques for network intrusion detection. Cluster Comput 27, 5913–5931 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-024-04270-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-024-04270-4