As wireless communication technology continues to advance, the number of intelligent devices, such as computers, mobile phones, and iPads, is increasing rapidly. To keep up with the growing demand for data and improved network efficiency, additional base stations (BSs) are deployed, and bandwidth allocation is being increased in the sixth-generation (6G) wireless network. While these improvements have enhanced the physical layer of wireless communication, deploying excessive BSs can be costly and may lead to issues such as backhaul congestion and decreased performance. Additionally, frequent and asynchronous access to popular information generates a significant amount of duplicate data, thereby wasting energy and processing resources. Therefore, we use content caching, which involves storing content at the network's edge, such as at BSs or terminal devices. This allows the direct delivery of content to requesters, eliminating the need for backhaul or core network transmission. In this survey paper, we examine state-of-the-art content caching techniques that are specifically designed for mobile edge computing environments. The article classifies the existing content caching scheme into various categories based on a set of parameters, including caching techniques, criteria, location, objective functions, and supporting algorithms. Furthermore, a comprehensive analysis is conducted to investigate the critical aspects of existing schemes. Finally, the study identifies and discusses open research issues and challenges that necessitate further research to enhance content caching schemes.

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This work is partially funded by Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, via Grant No. 306607/2023-9.
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Khan, Y., Mustafa, S., Ahmad, R.W. et al. Content caching in mobile edge computing: a survey. Cluster Comput 27, 8817–8864 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-024-04459-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-024-04459-7