We consider the following sparse representation problem: represent a given matrix X∈ℝm×N as a multiplication X=AS of two matrices A∈ℝm×n (m≤n<N) and S∈ℝn×N, under requirements that all m×m submatrices of A are nonsingular, and S is sparse in sense that each column of S has at least n−m+1 zero elements. It is known that under some mild additional assumptions, such representation is unique, up to scaling and permutation of the rows of S. We show that finding A (which is the most difficult part of such representation) can be reduced to a hyperplane clustering problem. We present a bilinear algorithm for such clustering, which is robust to outliers. A computer simulation example is presented showing the robustness of our algorithm.
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Georgiev, P., Pardalos, P. & Theis, F. A bilinear algorithm for sparse representations. Comput Optim Appl 38, 249–259 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10589-007-9043-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10589-007-9043-y