The problem of minimizing the sum of a convex quadratic function and the ratio of two quadratic functions can be reformulated as a Celis–Dennis–Tapia (CDT) problem and, thus, according to some recent results, can be polynomially solved. However, the degree of the known polynomial approaches for these problems is fairly large and that justifies the search for efficient local search procedures. In this paper the CDT reformulation of the problem is exploited to define a local search algorithm. On the theoretical side, its convergence to a stationary point is proved. On the practical side it is shown, through different numerical experiments, that the main cost of the algorithm is a single Schur decomposition to be performed during the initialization phase. The theoretical and practical results for this algorithm are further strengthened in a special case.
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This research was supported by NSFC under Grants 11571029, 11471325 and 11771056.
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Consolini, L., Locatelli, M., Wang, J. et al. Efficient local search procedures for quadratic fractional programming problems. Comput Optim Appl 76, 201–232 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10589-020-00175-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10589-020-00175-1