This paper introduces a Riemannian BFGS method to address multiobjective optimization problems with strongly retraction-convex objective functions. This method is a natural extension of the Euclidean version and produces a sequence of iterates that converges to a Pareto optimal point regardless of the initial point. The main component of our globalization strategy is a generalized Wolfe line search. Numerical experiments demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

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Najafi, S., Hajarian, M. Multiobjective BFGS method for optimization on Riemannian manifolds. Comput Optim Appl 87, 337–354 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10589-023-00522-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10589-023-00522-y