As Codesign problems become larger and more realistic, the required time to estimate their solutions turns into an important bottleneck. This paper presents a new approach to improve the traditional estimation techniques, in order to avoid this drawback. The presented method has been successfully tested on a large experimental benchmark, attaining quality levels close to those provided by the Synopsys Behavioral Compiler. Finally, a case study based on the standard H.261 video co-dec is described, proving the convenience of the technique on real-life situations. The obtained results show a significant improvement in the process time, while keeping the good precision and fidelity levels that the traditional estimation models usually offer.
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Maestro, J.A., Mozos, D., Dormido, R. et al. New Alternatives to the Estimation Problem in Hardware-Software Codesign of Complex Embedded Systems: The H.261 Video Co-dec Case Study. Des Autom Embed Syst 9, 193–210 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10617-005-1198-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10617-005-1198-0