The problem of building an ℓ 0-sampler is to sample near-uniformly from the support set of a dynamic multiset. This problem has a variety of applications within data analysis, computational geometry and graph algorithms. In this paper, we abstract a set of steps for building an ℓ 0-sampler, based on sampling, recovery and selection. We analyze the implementation of an ℓ 0-sampler within this framework, and show how prior constructions of ℓ 0-samplers can all be expressed in terms of these steps. Our experimental contribution is to provide a first detailed study of the accuracy and computational cost of ℓ 0-samplers.

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More generally, we also seek solutions so that, given sketches of vectors a and b, we can form a sketch of (a+b) and sample from the ℓ 0-distribution on (a+b). All the algorithms that we discuss have this property.
This level is ⌈log(2N/k)⌉ for the ℓ 0-sampler with k-wise independence, and ⌈logN/ϵ⌉ for the variant with pairwise independence.
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Cormode, G., Firmani, D. A unifying framework for ℓ 0-sampling algorithms. Distrib Parallel Databases 32, 315–335 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10619-013-7131-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10619-013-7131-9