The most widespread wireless technology for mobile ad-hoc networks nowadays is Wi-Fi based on the IEEE 802.11 standard. The working procedure of this protocol produces various problems when multiple sub-networks are merged. The main drawbacks that may cause inability to communicate are the IP duplication and the existence of sub-networks in different channels. This paper proposes a practical solution to these problems, which does not cause any network overload and does not affect the data management of connections. Furthermore, it has been fully implemented in a new tool developed to create a vehicular ad-hoc network using only smartphones. Both a straightforward deterministic algorithm and a more complex scheme taking into account the interferences between wireless channels from a fuzzy logic point of view are defined here. Promising results regarding performance and security have been obtained from the analysis of large-scale NS2 simulations based on data got from implementations with real devices.
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Caballero-Gil, C., Caballero-Gil, P. & Molina-Gil, J. Merging sub-networks in self-managed vehicular ad-hoc networks. Distrib Parallel Databases 34, 101–117 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10619-014-7159-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10619-014-7159-5