Though unbalanced Feistel networks (UFN) are widely considered as an alternative to balanced Feistel networks (BFN) and substitution–permutation networks (SPN) in symmetric cryptography, little has been known yet about their resistance against differential and linear cryptanalysis. In this work, we tackle the problem at the example of d-branch SP-type UFNs with contracting MDS diffusion (dCUFN-SP). Under some restrictions on the contracting MDS matrices over multiple rounds, we prove lower bounds on the number of differentially active S-boxes for dCUFN-SP with \({d\in\{3,4\}}\) and on the number of linearly active S-boxes for dCUFN-SP with d ≥ 3. As opposed to SPNs and BFNs, the number of differentially active S-boxes for such constructions does not directly translate to an upper bound on the probability of differential trails. So we provide a thorough analysis of single-round differentials that yields an upper bound on the probability of a differential trail. It is also shown that the efficiency level of dCUFN-SP is comparable to that of BFNs and SPNs with respect to differential and linear cryptanalysis.
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Bogdanov, A. On unbalanced Feistel networks with contracting MDS diffusion. Des. Codes Cryptogr. 59, 35–58 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-010-9462-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-010-9462-0