We explore the optimality of balanced Feistel ciphers with SP-type F-functions with respect to their resistance against differential and linear cryptanalysis. Instantiations of Feistel ciphers with the wide class of (SP)\(^u\) and (SP)\(^u\)S F-functions are considered: one F-function can contain an arbitrary number of S-box layers interleaved with linear diffusion. For the matrices with maximum diffusion, it is proven that SPS and SPSP F-functions are optimal in terms of the proportion of active S-boxes in all S-boxes—a common efficiency metric for substitution-permutation ciphers. Interestingly, one SP-layer in the F-function is not enough to attain optimality whereas taking more than two S-box layers does not increase the efficiency either.

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Shibutani, K., Bogdanov, A. Towards the optimality of Feistel ciphers with substitution-permutation functions. Des. Codes Cryptogr. 73, 667–682 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-014-9970-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-014-9970-4
- Block cipher
- Balanced Feistel networks
- Differential cryptanalysis
- Linear cryptanalysis
- Active S-boxes
- MDS codes