This paper studies the problem of predictability in fuzzy discrete event systems (FDESs). FDESs combine fuzzy set theory with discrete events systems (DESs). They are proposed in Lin and Ying (2001) to cope with vagueness, impreciseness, and subjectivity in real-world problems. In this work: (1) We propose a fuzzy approach for predictability by introducing fuzzy predictability functions to characterize the predictability degree of a prefix, a faulty trace as well as a faulty event in a fuzzy DES. These functions take values in the interval [0, 1]. The degree of predictability gives a valuable measure to refine the decision about fault predictability. (2) We show that the degree of predictability of a faulty event is always at most equal to its degree of diagnosability. This captures the idea that predictability is stronger than diagnosability. (3) For checking predictability in FDESs, we propose an approach based on the so-called verifier. This approach results in a polynomial (in the number of states) complexity test for the verification of predictability. Our results generalize those of predictability for crisp DESs and allow one to deal with the problem of predictability for both crisp DESs and FDESs.
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\(FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}^{(1)}(\tilde {t},\infty )\) is an abbreviation of : \(\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty } FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}^{(1)}(\tilde {t},n)\) . It is clear that the sequence \(FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}^{(1)}(\tilde {t},n)\) is bounded and from Proposition 1, it is increasing. Hence it is convergent and its limit is its supremum which is λ (from Eq. 12).
\(FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}^{(2)}(\tilde {t},\infty )\) is an abbreviation of : \(\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty } FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}^{(2)}(\tilde {t},n)\) . It is clear that the sequence \(FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}^{(2)}(\tilde {t},n)\) is bounded and from Proposition 2, it is increasing. Hence it is convergent and its limit is its supremum which is λ (from Eq. 15).
A same reasoning is valid for showing that \(FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {G},\infty ) = \lambda \) .
Note that since \(\tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {u}) < \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma })\) and from the definition of the degree of fault of a trace, it follows that \(\tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {u}\tilde {v}) \geq \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }) \) if and only if \(\tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {v}) \geq \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }) \) .
For the sake of simplification, we abuse notation and we write\(L//\tilde {t} =\{ (\tilde {\tau }\tilde {\alpha },\tilde {\beta }^{\ast }),(\tilde {\alpha },\tilde {\theta }\tilde {\gamma }\tilde {\beta }^{\ast })\}\) to indicate the set of all couples of the form\((\tilde {\tau }\tilde {\alpha }, w)\) or of the form \((\tilde {\alpha },\tilde {\theta }\tilde {\gamma }w)\) where w is any word of the language \(\tilde {\beta }^{\ast }\) .
We have replaced: “\((\exists n_{0} \in \mathbb {N})(\forall n > n_{0}) {\dots } \Vert \tilde {v}\Vert = n] \Rightarrow \dots \) ” by the equivalent form: “\((\exists n \in \mathbb {N}) {\dots } \Vert \tilde {v}\Vert \geq n] \Rightarrow \dots \) ”. We replaced also \((\sigma \in \tilde {u}\tilde {v})\) by \((\sigma \in \tilde {v})\) . Indeed, since \(\sigma \notin \tilde {u}\), \((\sigma \in \tilde {u}\tilde {v})\) if and only if \((\sigma \in \tilde {v})\) .
Notice that here, we use the maximal non-faulty prefix of \(\tilde {s}\) while in Genc and Lafortune (2009) any non-faulty prefix of \(\tilde {s}\) may be used. It is easy to show by a similar idea as that used in the proof of Proposition 3 that the two forms are equivalent.
A similar structure called the twin plant has been proposed independently in (Jiang et al. 2001) for the same reason. In the twin plant, only observables are kept whereas the verifier used in this paper, keeps both observable and unobservable events.
Here we abused notation for the sake of simplification. To take into account all possible values of μ, he exact expression is: \( \tilde {Q}\times (\{F\}\cup \{N^{\mu }: \mu \in [0, 1]\}) \times \tilde {Q}\times (\{F\}\cup \{N^{\mu }: \mu \in [0, 1]\}) \) .
This refers to the restriction of the transition function to the subset\(\tilde {Q}_{Ac}\) ofstates.
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Appendix: Proofs
Appendix: Proofs
Proof of Proposition 1
The proof follows immediately from Definition 7 and the definition of the degree of fault ofa trace in the language. □
Proof of Proposition 2
Follows immediately from Definition 8 and Propositions 1, 3. □
Proof of Proposition 3
Let \( \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} \) and \( \tilde {t} = MaxPref(\tilde {s})\) .Let us first show that: (\( \forall \tilde {t}_{1} \in Pref(\tilde {t})) (\forall n > 0)(\exists n^{\prime } > n) \ E(\tilde {t},n) \subseteq E(\tilde {t}_{1},n^{\prime })\) where \(E(\tilde {r},n) = \{\tilde {\omega } \in L_{\tilde {G}}: \tilde {\omega } = \tilde {u}\tilde {v}, (\tilde {u},\tilde {v})\in L//\tilde {r}, \Vert \tilde {v}\Vert = n\}\) .
Let \(\tilde {t}_{1} \in Pref(\tilde {t})\) and suppose that \( \tilde {t} = \tilde {t}_{1}\tilde {s}_{1} \) .If \( \tilde {\omega } \in E(\tilde {t},n)\),then:
Let us put \(\tilde {u}=\tilde {u_{1}}\tilde {u_{2}}\) such that \(\tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {u}_{1}) = \tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {t}_{1})\) and \(\tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {u}_{2}) = \tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {s}_{1})\) .Let \(\tilde {v}^{\prime } = \tilde {u_{2}}\tilde {v}\) and \(n^{\prime }=\Vert \tilde {v}\Vert + \Vert \tilde {u_{2}}\Vert \),then we have:
This meansthat \(\tilde {\omega } \in E(\tilde {t}_{1},n^{\prime })\) andhence, \( E(\tilde {t},n) \subseteq E(\tilde {t}_{1},n^{\prime })\) .It follows that:
But from Proposition 1 and the fact that n < n ′,it holds that: \(FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}^{(1)}(\tilde {t_{1}},n) \leq FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}^{(1)}(\tilde {t_{1}},n^{\prime }) \) . Wededuce finally that: \((\forall \tilde {t}_{1} \in Pref(\tilde {t})) (\forall n > 0)\), \(FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}^{(1)}(\tilde {t_{1}},n) \leq FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}^{(1)}(\tilde {t},n)\) .
The proposition follows then directly from Definition 8. □
Proof of Corollary 1
The proof follows immediately from Definition 9, Definition 7 and Proposition 3. □
Proof of Proposition 4
\( \tilde {G} \) is 1-\(predictable \Leftrightarrow (\exists n_{0} \in \mathbb {N})(\forall n > n_{0}) FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {G},n)=1\) ......... (1) (1) \(\Leftrightarrow (\exists n_{0} \in \mathbb {N})(\forall n > n_{0})\ min\{ FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}^{(1)}(\tilde {t},n): \tilde {t} = MaxPref(\tilde {s}), \ \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} \} =1\) (1) \(\Leftrightarrow (\exists n_{0} \in \mathbb {N})(\forall n > n_{0})(\forall \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} ) \ FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}^{(1)}(MaxPref(\tilde {s}), n) =1\) (1) \(\Leftrightarrow (\exists n_{0} \in \mathbb {N})(\forall n > n_{0})(\forall \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} )\ \frac {{\begin {array}{ll} min\{ \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }), \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\omega }):\tilde {\omega } \in L(\tilde {G}) \wedge \tilde {\omega }= \tilde {u}\tilde {v}\\ \quad \wedge (\tilde {u},\tilde {v}) \in L//MaxPref(\tilde {s}) \wedge \Vert \tilde {v}\Vert = n \}\end {array}} } {\tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma })}=1 \) (1) \(\Leftrightarrow (\exists n_{0} \in \mathbb {N})(\forall n > n_{0})(\forall \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} )\ \) \(min\{ \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }), \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\omega }):\tilde {\omega } \in L(\tilde {G}) \wedge \tilde {\omega }= \tilde {u}\tilde {v} \wedge (\tilde {u},\tilde {v}) \in L//MaxPref(\tilde {s}) \wedge \Vert \tilde {v}\Vert = n \} = \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma })\) (1) \((\exists n_{0} \in \mathbb {N})(\forall n > n_{0})(\forall \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} ) (\forall \tilde {u} \in L_{\tilde {G}} ) (\forall \tilde {v} \in L/\tilde {u} ):\) \([\tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {u})=\tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(MaxPref(\tilde {s}))\ and\ \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {u}) < \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma })\ and\ \Vert \tilde {v}\Vert = n ] \Rightarrow \) \(\tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {u}\tilde {v}) \geq \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }) \) □
Proof of Proposition 5
Let \( \tilde {G} \) be an FDES. \( \tilde {G} \) and λ ∈ [0, 1[. \( \tilde {G} \) is λ-\(predictable \Leftrightarrow (\exists n_{0} \in \mathbb {N})(\forall n > n_{0}) FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {G},n)=\lambda \) .................. (1) (1) \(\Leftrightarrow (\exists n_{0} \in \mathbb {N})(\forall n > n_{0})\ min\{ FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}^{(1)}(\tilde {t},n): \tilde {t} = MaxPref(\tilde {s}), \ \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} \} =\lambda \) (1) \(\Leftrightarrow (\exists n_{0} \in \mathbb {N})(\forall n > n_{0})(H_{1} \wedge H_{2})\) where: H 1:\((\exists \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} )\ FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}^{(1)}(MaxPref(\tilde {s}), n) =\lambda \)
and H 2:\((\forall \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} )\ FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}^{(1)}(MaxPref(\tilde {s}), n) \geq \lambda \) \(H_{1} \Leftrightarrow (\exists \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} )\) \(min\{ \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }), \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\omega }):\tilde {\omega } \in L(\tilde {G}) \wedge \tilde {\omega }= \tilde {u}\tilde {v} \wedge (\tilde {u},\tilde {v}) \in L//MaxPref(\tilde {s}) \wedge \Vert \tilde {v}\Vert = n \} = \lambda . \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma })\) \(H_{1} \Leftrightarrow (\exists \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} )(H^{\prime }_{1} \wedge H^{\prime }_{2})\) where:
It is easy to check that:
Proof of Corollary 2
Follows immediately from Proposition 4 and Proposition 5. □
Proof of Proposition 6
Suppose that the degree of predictability (resp. of diagnosability) of\( \tilde {\sigma } \) in\(\tilde {G}\) is\(\lambda =FP_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {G}, \infty )\) (resp.\(\gamma =FG_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {G}, \infty )\) ),then:
where: \(E= \{ \tilde {\omega }: \tilde {\omega } \in \tilde {\Pi }^{-1}({\Pi }(\tilde {s}.\tilde {s}^{\prime })), \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} , \tilde {s}^{\prime } \in L/\tilde {s}, \Vert \tilde {s}^{\prime }\Vert = \infty \}\) and
where:\( E^{\prime }=\{ \tilde {\omega }: \tilde {\omega } = \tilde {u}\tilde {v}, (\tilde {u},\tilde {v})\in L//\tilde {t},\tilde {t}=MaxPref(\tilde {s}), \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} , \Vert \tilde {v}\Vert = \infty \}\) We have: \(E= \{ \tilde {\omega }: {\Pi }(\tilde {\omega })={\Pi }(\tilde {s}\tilde {s}^{\prime }), \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} , \tilde {s}^{\prime } \in L/\tilde {s}, \Vert \tilde {s}^{\prime }\Vert = \infty \}\) For all \(\tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} \),we put \(\tilde {s} = \tilde {t}\tilde {t^{\prime }}\) where \(\tilde {t}=MaxPref(\tilde {s})\) .Then: \( E = \{ \tilde {\omega }: \tilde {\omega } = \tilde {u}\tilde {v}, {\Pi }(\tilde {u})={\Pi }(\tilde {t}), {\Pi }(\tilde {v})={\Pi }(\tilde {t}^{\prime }\tilde {s}^{\prime }), \tilde {t}=MaxPref(\tilde {s}), \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} , \tilde {s}^{\prime } \in L/\tilde {s}, \Vert \tilde {s}^{\prime }\Vert = \infty \} \) Since \(\tilde {u}\) may or may not befaulty, E may be written: E = E 1 ∪ E 2where: \(E_{1} = \{ \tilde {\omega }: \tilde {\omega } = \tilde {u}\tilde {v}, {\Pi }(\tilde {u})={\Pi }(\tilde {t}),\tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {u}) < \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }), {\Pi }(\tilde {v})={\Pi }(\tilde {t}^{\prime }\tilde {s}^{\prime }), \tilde {t}=MaxPref(\tilde {s}), \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} , \tilde {s}^{\prime } \in L/\tilde {s}, \Vert \tilde {s}^{\prime }\Vert = \infty \} \) . i.e.,\( E_{1} = \{ \tilde {\omega }: \tilde {\omega } = \tilde {u}\tilde {v}, (\tilde {u},\tilde {v})\in L//\tilde {t}, {\Pi }(\tilde {v})={\Pi }(\tilde {t}^{\prime }\tilde {s}^{\prime }), \tilde {t}=MaxPref(\tilde {s}), \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} , \tilde {s}=\tilde {t}\tilde {t}^{\prime }, \tilde {s}^{\prime } \in L/\tilde {s}, \Vert \tilde {v}^{\prime }\Vert = \infty \} \) and\( E_{2} = \{ \tilde {\omega }: \tilde {\omega } = \tilde {u}\tilde {v}, {\Pi }(\tilde {u})={\Pi }(\tilde {t}),\tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {u})\geq \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }), {\Pi }(\tilde {v})={\Pi }(\tilde {t}^{\prime }\tilde {s}^{\prime }), \tilde {t}=MaxPref(\tilde {s}), \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} , \tilde {s}^{\prime } \in L/\tilde {s}, \Vert \tilde {s}^{\prime }\Vert = \infty \} \) Note that, for every \(\tilde {\omega }\in E_{2}\),it holds that \(\tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\omega }) \geq \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma })\) since every \(\tilde {\omega }\in E_{2}\) is of the form \(\tilde {u}\tilde {v}\) where\(\tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {u}) \geq \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma })\) . It follows that: \(min \{ \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\omega }): \tilde {\omega } \in E_{2}\} \geq \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma })\) and hence:
It is clear that E 1 ⊆ E ′. Indeed,among all the traces \(\tilde {u}\tilde {v}\in E^{\prime }\), E 1contains only those traces where v 1shares the same observables as \(\tilde {t}^{\prime }\tilde {s}^{\prime }\) .It follows that: \(min \{ \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\omega }): \tilde {\omega } \in E^{\prime }\} < min \{ \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\omega }): \tilde {\omega } \in E_{1}\}\), i.e.,\(min \{ \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }), \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\omega }): \tilde {\omega } \in E^{\prime }\} < min \{ \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }), \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\omega }): \tilde {\omega } \in E_{1}\}\) and hence: λ ≤ γ □
Proof of Lemma 1
The proof is done by induction on the sequence of observable events. □
Proof of Lemma 2
The proof is done by induction on the sequence of observable events. □
Proof of Lemma 3
(⇒)Suppose \( \tilde {q}_{v} \in F_{V} \) and C is a cycle in \( Ac(\tilde {V}_{\tilde {G}},\tilde {q}_{v}) \) such that C is normal or uncertain and each state in C contains a state of \( \tilde {G} \) labelled by N μ.Suppose C formed by the states \( \tilde {x}_{v,1},\tilde {x}_{v,2},...,\tilde {x}_{v,m} \) and events \( \tilde {\sigma }_{1},\tilde {\sigma }_{2},...,\tilde {\sigma }_{m} \in \tilde {E}^{\ast } \) i.e. \( \tilde {\delta }_{d}(\tilde {x}_{v,i}, \tilde {\sigma }_{i}) = \tilde {x}_{v,i+1} \) for 1 ≤ i ≤ m and \( \tilde {\delta }_{v}(\tilde {x}_{v,m}, \tilde {\sigma }_{m}) = \tilde {x}_{v,1} \) .Each state \( \tilde {x}_{v,i} \) contains a state of \( \tilde {G} \) (say \( \tilde {x}_{i} \) )labelled by N μin \( \tilde {V}_{\tilde {G}} \) i.e. \( (\tilde {x}_{i},N^{\mu } ) \in \tilde {x}_{v,i} \) .
Let \( \tilde {q}_{v}= [(\tilde {q}_{1},N^{\mu 1}),(\tilde {q}_{2},N^{\mu 2})] \in \tilde {\delta }(\tilde {q}_{v0},\tilde {w}_{1}) \) where \( \tilde {q}_{1},\tilde {q}_{2} \in \tilde {Q} \) and \( \tilde {w}_{1} \in \tilde {E}^{\ast } \) .If \( \tilde {q}_{v} \in F_{V} \) then there exist \( \tilde {y}_{v} \) and \( \tilde {z}_{v} \),such that \( \tilde {y}_{v} = \tilde {\delta }(\tilde {q}^{\prime }_{v},\tilde {t}_{uo}) \) and \( \tilde {z}_{v} = \tilde {\delta }(\tilde {y}_{v},\tilde {\sigma }_{p}) \) where: \( \tilde {t}_{uo} \in \tilde {E}^{\ast } \),\( \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {t}_{uo}) < \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }) \),\( \tilde {\Sigma }_{o}(\tilde {t}_{uo}) < \tilde {\Sigma }_{o}(\tilde {\sigma }) \),\( \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }_{p}) \geq \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }) \) and \( \tilde {q}^{\prime }_{v}= [(\tilde {q}_{1},N^{\mu 1}),(.,.)] \) or \( \tilde {q}^{\prime }_{v}= [(.,.),(\tilde {q}_{2},N^{\mu 2})] \) .The existence of \( \tilde {y}_{v} \) and \( \tilde {z}_{v} \) follows from Lemma 1 and the existence of \( \tilde {q}^{\prime }_{v} \) follows from the definition of F V .
There is \( \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} \) such that \( \tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {s}) = \tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {w}_{1}\tilde {t}_{uo}\tilde {\sigma }_{p})\) .let \( \tilde {s}=\tilde {s}_{1}\tilde {\sigma }_{p}\) where \( \tilde {s}_{1} \in \tilde {E}^{\ast } \) and \( \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }_{p}) \geq \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }) \) .take a state from the cycle C. without lost of generality take the state \( \tilde {x}_{v,1} \) . let \( \tilde {t}=\tilde {s}_{1} = MaxPref(\tilde {s}) \) .let \( \tilde {x}_{v,1}= [(\tilde {x}_{1},N^{\mu }),(\tilde {x}_{2},l_{x2})] \) where \( \tilde {x}_{1}, \tilde {x}_{2} \in \tilde {Q} \) and \(l_{x2} \in \{ N^{\mu },N^{\mu ^{\prime }}, F \} \) and suppose that \(\tilde {x}_{v,1} \) is reached from \(\tilde {q}_{v} \) by \( \tilde {w}_{2} \in \tilde {E}^{\ast }: \tilde {x}_{v,1} =\tilde {\delta }(\tilde {q}_{v},\tilde {w}_{2}) \) .
There is \( \tilde {u} \in L_{\tilde {G}}\) and \( \tilde {u}^{\prime } \in L_{\tilde {G}}/\tilde {u} \) such that \( \tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {w}_{1}) =\tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {u})\) and \( \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {u}) < \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }) \) and \( \tilde {\delta }(\tilde {q}_{0}, \tilde {u} \tilde {u}^{\prime } ) = \tilde {x}_{1} \),since \( (\tilde {x}_{1},N^{\mu } ) \in \tilde {x}_{v,1} \) and since \( \tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {w}_{1}) =\tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {w}_{1}\tilde {t}_{uo})= \tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {s}_{1})= \tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {t}) \) then \( \tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {u})=\tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {t}) \) .because there is a cycle C in the verifier \( \tilde {V}_{\tilde {G}} \) fromed by \( \tilde {x}_{v,1},\tilde {x}_{v,2},...,\tilde {x}_{v,m} \) and events \( \tilde {\sigma }_{1},\tilde {\sigma }_{2},...,\tilde {\sigma }_{m} \in \tilde {E}^{\ast } \),so there exist a corresponding cycle in \( \tilde {G} \) formed by normal states in \( \tilde {x}_{v,i} \) for i = 1,⋯ ,m and a subsequence \( \tilde {w}_{1}^{\prime },...,\tilde {w}_{m^{\prime }}^{\prime } \in \tilde {E}^{\ast } \) where m ′≤ m is a positive integer. Moreover we have: ∀k ≥ 1,\( \tilde {x}_{1} = \tilde {\delta }(\tilde {q}_{0}, \tilde {u} \tilde {u}^{\prime }(\tilde {w}_{1}^{\prime },...,\tilde {w}_{m^{\prime }}^{\prime })^{k} ) \) and \( \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {u} \tilde {u}^{\prime }(\tilde {w}_{1}^{\prime },...,\tilde {w}_{m^{\prime }}^{\prime })^{k}) = \mu \) . Take \( n_{0}=\| \tilde {u}^{\prime }\| +k\) and \( \tilde {v} = \tilde {u}^{\prime }(\tilde {w}_{1}^{\prime },...,\tilde {w}_{m^{\prime }}^{\prime })^{k}) \) then:
(⇐)Suppose that:
Let us take \( \tilde {s} \in \tilde {\Psi }_{\tilde {\sigma }} \) and let \( \tilde {s}=\tilde {s}_{1}\tilde {\sigma }_{p} \) where \( \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {s}_{1}) < \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }) \) and \( \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }_{p}) \geq \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }) \) .\( \tilde {t}=\tilde {s}_{1}= MaxPref(\tilde {s}) \) . We have\( \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {t}) < \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }) \) . Take\( \tilde {u} \in L_{\tilde {G}} \) suchthat \( \tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {u})=\tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {t}) = \tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {s}_{1}) \) and \( \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {u}) < \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }) \) .
Let \( \tilde {x} = \tilde {\delta }(\tilde {q}_{0}, \tilde {s}_{1} ) \) and\( \tilde {y} = \tilde {\delta }(\tilde {x}, \tilde {\sigma }_{p} ) \) . Thereexist \( \tilde {x}_{v}= [(\tilde {x},N^{\mu 1}),(\tilde {x}^{\prime },l^{\prime }_{x})] \) and\( \tilde {y}_{v}= [(\tilde {x},F),(\tilde {y}^{\prime },l^{\prime }_{y})] \in \tilde {Q}_{v}\) suchthat \( \tilde {y}_{v} \in \tilde {\delta }_{v}(\tilde {x}_{v}, \tilde {\sigma }_{p}) \) where \( \tilde {x}^{\prime },\tilde {y}^{\prime } \in \tilde {Q} \) and\( l^{\prime }_{x},l^{\prime }_{y} \in \{ N^{\mu 3},F \}\) then\( \tilde {x}_{v} \in \tilde {Q}_{v}^{N} \cup \tilde {Q}_{v}^{U}\) and\( \tilde {y}_{v} \in \tilde {Q}_{v}^{u} \cup \tilde {Q}_{v}^{c}\) . We distinguish two cases for \( \tilde {x}_{v} \) : case (i): \( \tilde {x}_{v} \in \tilde {Q}_{v}^{N} \) and \( \tilde {y}_{v} \notin \tilde {Q}_{v}^{N} \) then \( \tilde {x}_{v} \in F_{V} \) . case (ii): \( \tilde {x}_{v} \notin \tilde {Q}_{v}^{N} \) but in this case ,by Lemma 2, there is a state \( \tilde {w}_{v} \in F_{V} \) reachable from \( \tilde {q}_{v0} \) such that \( \tilde {x}_{v} \) is reachable from \( \tilde {w}_{v} \) . So, in both cases, there is a state \( \tilde {q}_{v} \in F_{V} \) (\( \tilde {q}_{v} = \tilde {x}_{v} \) or\( \tilde {q}_{v} = \tilde {w}_{v} \) ) from which \( \tilde {y}_{v} \) is reached from \( \tilde {q}_{v} \) by σ p :\( \tilde {y}_{v}= \tilde {\delta }_{v}(\tilde {q}_{v}, \sigma _{p}) \) . On the other hand\( \tilde {v} \) may be chosen arbitrarily long and then has the from: \( \tilde {v} = \tilde {u}^{\prime }(\tilde {w}_{1}...\tilde {w}_{m})^{k}) \) for k ≥ 1 with \( \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {u}\tilde {v}) = \mu \) .
Let \( \tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {u}^{\prime })= \tilde {s}^{\prime }_{1} \) and \( \tilde {\Pi }_{\tilde {\sigma }}(\tilde {w}_{1}...\tilde {w}_{m}) =\tilde {s}^{\prime \prime }_{1} = \tilde {\sigma }_{1}...\tilde {\sigma }_{l}\),(l ≤ m). We have two cases:
case A: \( \tilde {s}^{\prime }_{1}\neq \epsilon \) then let \( \tilde {x}_{v}^{\prime }= \tilde {\delta }_{v}(\tilde {x}_{v}, \tilde {s}^{\prime }_{1} )\) we have: \( \tilde {x}_{v}^{\prime }= \tilde {\delta }_{v}(\tilde {x}_{v}^{\prime }, \tilde {\sigma }_{1}...\tilde {\sigma }_{l} ) \) .
case B: \( \tilde {s}^{\prime }_{1} = \epsilon \) then let \( \tilde {x}_{v}^{\prime }= \tilde {\delta }_{v}(\tilde {x}_{v}, \tilde {\sigma }_{1} )\) we have: \( \tilde {x}_{v}^{\prime }= \tilde {\delta }_{v}(\tilde {x}_{v}^{\prime }, \tilde {\sigma }_{2}...\tilde {\sigma }_{l}\tilde {\sigma }_{1} ) \) In both cases: \( \tilde {x}_{v}^{\prime }= \tilde {\delta }_{v}(\tilde {q}_{v0}, \tilde {s}_{1}\tilde {s}^{\prime }_{1} (\tilde {\sigma }_{1}...\tilde {\sigma }_{l})^{k} )\), k ≥ 1. Since\( \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {u}\tilde {v}) = \mu \), it is clear that there is \( (\tilde {x}_{i},N^{\mu }) \in \tilde {x}_{v}^{\prime } \) and\( \tilde {x}_{v}^{\prime } \) is involvedin cycle C reached from \( \tilde {q}_{v} \) . From the fault propagation in the verifier, each state of C contains a statelabelled by N μ. □
Proof of Theorem 1
(⇒)Suppose that\( \tilde {\sigma } \) is 1-predictable. Then we have:
For the sake of contradiction, suppose that P v does not holds. So,there is \( \tilde {q}_{v} \in F_{V} \) and thereis a cycle \( C \in Ac(\tilde {V}_{\tilde {G}},\tilde {q}_{v}) \) such that C is uncertain or normal. Thismeans that there is a state \( \tilde {x}_{v,i} \in C \) containing \( (\tilde {x}_{i},N^{\mu }) \) for some \( \tilde {x}_{i} \in \tilde {Q} \) and μ < 1.Then from Lemma 3 we obtain:
This contradicts (⋆) (⇐)Suppose that P v holds: for all\( \tilde {q}_{v} \in F_{V} \), there is only certaincycles in \( Ac(\tilde {V}_{\tilde {G}},\tilde {q}_{v}) \) . For the sake ofcontradiction, suppose that \( \tilde {G} \) is not 1-predictable i.e. \( \tilde {G} \) is λ-predictablefor some 0 ≤ λ < 1.From Proposition 4 it follows that:
Let us put \( \mu = \lambda . \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }) \) . Wehave \( \mu < \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }) \) . From Lemma3 it follows that there is \( \tilde {q}_{v} \in F_{V} \) and there is a cycle C in \( Ac(\tilde {V}_{\tilde {G}},\tilde {q}_{v}) \) which is normal or uncertain (hence, not certain). This contradicts P v . □
Proof of Theorem 2
\( (\Rightarrow ) \tilde {\sigma } \) is λ-predictablein \( \tilde {G} \) . from Proposition 5 we have:
Let us put \(\lambda . \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }) = \mu \) .Then R1follows from (i) and Lemma 3. To show R2, supposethat μ is not minimal,i.e. there is μ ′ < μ,there is \( \tilde {q}_{v} \in F_{V} \) and a cycle C in \( Ac(\tilde {V}_{\tilde {G}},\tilde {q}_{v}) \) such that C is μ ′-normal or μ ′-uncertain.From Lemma 3 it follows that:
This contradicts the condition (ii) of λ-predictability. (⇐)Suppose that thetwo conditions R1and R2hold where: R1: thereis \( \tilde {q}_{v} \in F_{V} \), there iscycle C in \( Ac(\tilde {V}_{\tilde {G}},\tilde {q}_{v}) \) which is normal or uncertain. R2: the minimal μ-normal or μ-uncertainin \( Ac(\tilde {V}_{\tilde {G}},\tilde {q}_{v}) \) forall \( \tilde {q}_{v} \in F_{V} \) satisfies\( \mu = \lambda . \tilde {\Sigma }_{f}(\tilde {\sigma }) \) . From R1and Lemma 3we have:
From R2we have:
From (i), (ii) and from Proposition 5 we deduce that\( \tilde {\sigma } \) is λ-predictablein \( \tilde {G} \) . □
Proof of Corollary 3
Follows immediately from Theorem 2. □
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Benmessahel, B., Touahria, M. & Nouioua, F. Predictability of fuzzy discrete event systems. Discrete Event Dyn Syst 27, 641–673 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10626-017-0256-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10626-017-0256-7