The aim of this work was twofold. First, an empirical study was designed aimed at investigating the perceptions that entry-level non-computing majors -namely Physical Education and Sport Science (PESS) undergraduate students- hold about basic Computer Literacy (CL) issues. The participants were 90 first-year PESS students, and their perceptions were elicited through a written questionnaire. The data analysis revealed scientifically acceptable perceptions as well as various empirical, vague, incomplete and erroneous perceptions. Second, those students’ prior knowledge was utilized to design and implement an Educational Computer Card Game (ECCG) aimed at helping PESS students overcome their conceptual difficulties and approach the aforementioned CL issues in a scientifically consistent manner. The ECCG was designed taking into account basic digital game-based learning principles in combination with basic aspects of social and constructivist perspectives to learning. The ECCG was also pilot-tested in the field with real students, and the results were encouraging.

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The authors are grateful to Mr. Haris Siempos computer engineer and master’s student, for his help in a primary analysis of the data collected through the questionnaire investigating students’ prior knowledge.
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APPENDIX: Questions
APPENDIX: Questions
Computers types
Personal computers are the most powerful computer type that exists today [True/False]. Justify your answer:
Apart from the desktop and the laptop, there are other forms of personal computers available today [True/False]. Justify your answer:
The concepts of hardware and software
Complete the two following sentences in your own words.
The computer’s hardware is:
The computer’s software is:
For each of the following sentences choose True or False.
The software guides the hardware in the execution of various tasks [True/False]
The hardware is useless without the software [True/False]
The software can be used without the hardware [True/False]
Data representation in the computer
How do you think a number (e.g. number 5) is represented internally in the computer?
How do you think a character (e.g. letter A) is represented internally in the computer?
How do you think a photograph is represented internally in the computer?
A bit can take the following values: a) 0 and 1, b) 1, 10, 100 and 1000, c) from 0 to 255, d) from 0 to 1023
Which of the following do you think is correct: a) a byte is a sequence of 8 bits, b) bit and byte are identical, c) a bit is a sequence of 8 bytes
Fill in the blanks with the words ‘analog’ and ‘digital’ (where you think each one fits): “The sound card converts the voice that one enters through the microphone into ………. form so that it can be stored in the computer. It also converts the sound data stored in the computer into ………. form with a view to sending them to the speakers”
Hardware components of a personal computer
Role of the CPU and other components
Link each element of column A to the element of column B which you think it corresponds with:
The computer’s most important electronic circuits and devices are placed on it
Decodes and executes the instructions of the programs, and controls other devices of the computer
Memory for the temporary storage of the instructions and data of the programs that are executed
Power supply unit
Memory only for reading, where basic programs necessary for the computer’s booting are stored
Expansion cards
Serves as intermediate storage between the CPU and RAM
Cache memory
They are inserted into specific slots of the motherboard to enhance the computer’s functionality
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Specific outlets used for the communication of the CPU with peripheral devices
Converts alternating current to direct current and transforms high voltage to low voltage
During the execution of a program, where (CPU or RAM) do you think each of the following functions is performed:
Storage of instructions and data to be processed
Decoding of instructions
Execution of instructions
Reading of instructions and data
Performance of basic arithmetic and logical operations
Writing of results
Primary storage
When the computer is powered down, the RAM contents are: a) preserved, b) lost
The RAM consists of many equal-sized memory locations that are numbered consequentially beginning from 0 (see figure). Location 3 can be accessed: a) directly, b) only after locations 0, 1 and 2 have been accessed
Location 0
Location 1
Location 2
Location 3
The ROM loses its contents when the computer is powered down [True/False]
The computer user can store data in the ROM [True/False]
Given that the computer has got main memory (namely the RAM), why does it need to have a hard disk?
Secondary storage
Link each element of column A to the element of column B with which you think it corresponds:
Optical disk drives
Electromagnetic heads are used to create a magnetic field on the storage medium
Hard disk drives
Data are read through concentrating a laser beam on the surface of the storage medium
You want to write data on a CD and later delete them. Which type of CD will you use: a) CD-ROM (CD-Read Only Memory), b) CD-R (CD-Recordable), c) CD-RW (CD-ReWritable)
Link each element of column A to the element of column B with which you think it corresponds:
Cannot be written, but can be read many times
Can be written only once, but can be read many times
Can be written and read, both many times
A DVD-ROM drive can write on a data DVD [True/False]
A DVD-RW drive can write data on a CD-R [True/False]
Software aspects of a personal computer
For each of the following sentences choose True or False.
One can use a typical computer without an operating system, but not without application software [True/False]
The operating system is the most fundamental software of the computer, whereas the application software are programs specifically designed for the user to perform various tasks [True/False]
‘During the booting of the computer the operating system is loaded’. This means that it is copied: a) from the RAM to the hard disk, b) from the hard disk to the RAM
If you buy a computer program, it is legal that you copy it and distribute it to your friends [True/False]
Link each element of column A to the element of column B with which you think it corresponds:
Open source software
Software that is distributed free of charge
Software that one can use free of charge for a certain period of time
Software the programming code of which is freely available
Computer viruses
A computer virus is: a) a program that reproduces itself and causes undesirable actions, b) a program that detects and locates infected files on the computer, c) a chip that when installed in the computer causes damage, d) a chip that when installed in the computer infects files
Write three different symptoms that you think a computer infected by a virus presents:
Write three different ways in which you think a computer can be infected by a virus:
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Kordaki, M., Papastergiou, M. & Psomos, P. Student perceptions in the design of a computer card game for learning computer literacy issues: a case study. Educ Inf Technol 21, 837–862 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-014-9356-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-014-9356-2