This study examined the factors that influenced Iranian teachers’ use of computer-assisted pronunciation teaching (CAPT) in teaching English pronunciation. Iranian teachers have serious problems in teaching pronunciation such as lack of enough time, knowledge, experience, training, and suitable pronunciation materials. In this study, the researchers examined how the use of CAPT helped teachers to overcome these problems and improve their pronunciation instruction. Pronunciation Power 2 (PP2) was used for this purpose. First, a qualitative method was used. 15 Iranian teachers were chosen voluntarily from the Azad Universities of Guilan Province, Iran. Semi-structured interview questions were used as the instrument of qualitative method. The researchers collected data and analyzed them. The qualitative data analysis was done through the process of examining, organizing, listing, and identifying themes. The findings of qualitative method showed that Iranian teachers used PP2 well in teaching pronunciation through financial support, enough computers, the presence of computer experts in language lab, training, and enough time. The findings also indicated that teachers showed tremendous support and much enthusiasm for using the software in teaching pronunciation. Second, a quantitative method was followed in which two groups of Iranian learners (one experimental and one control) participated in this study. They were exposed to the treatment of a CAPT teacher and a non-CAPT teacher. A post-test of English pronunciation was administered to both groups. The data were analyzed via running a One-Way ANCOVA. The findings of quantitative study showed that learners in the experimental group outperformed the control group and indicated significant improvement in their pronunciation learning.
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Gilakjani, A.P., Rahimy, R. Factors influencing Iranian teachers’ use of computer assisted pronunciation teaching (CAPT). Educ Inf Technol 24, 1715–1740 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-018-09851-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-018-09851-6