In the technology acceptance studies, both the theory of reasoned action and the technology acceptance model have been widely adopted to study the factors that influence users’ technology usage intentions. While these frameworks have been mostly tested in Western nations, there has been a little effort to apply these frameworks in non-Western nations. With the globalization of education and technology, there is an urgent demand to know whether TRA and TAM apply in another culture. This study compared TRA, TAM and integrated frameworks that best explained or predicted students’ technology usage intention. Structural equation model was employed to perform the data analysis collected from 487 university students. The results showed that there were no differences in predictive strength of behavioral intention among the three models. Thus, the predictive strength of the three models was similar. This study contributed to the ongoing discourses in employing theoretical models to understand undergraduate students’ behavioral intention in educational contexts in developing countries. Implications, limitations and future studies were discussed.
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Appendix: Survey instrument
Appendix: Survey instrument
This survey is for academic purpose only. All information that is collected in this study will be treated confidentially. At no time will the name of any school or individual be identified. Please use a writing pen to write your answers.
Instruction:Please indicate your response to the following questions by ticking or circling the appropriate letter.
1.1 Part I: Demographic Information
1.2 Part II: Your Views on Technology
Using the scale provided, please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree to the following statement regarding the use of computer technology ion the classroom.
Item | Strongly Disagree | Moderately Disagree | Slightly Disagree | Neutral | Slightly Agree | Moderately Agree | Strongly Agree |
PU1: Using technology enables me to accomplish tasks more quickly | |||||||
PU2: Using technology improves my performance | |||||||
PU3: Using technology will increase my productivity | |||||||
PU4: Using technology enhances my effectiveness. | |||||||
PEOU1: I find it easy to use technology to do what I want to do. |
Item | Strongly Disagree | Moderately Disagree | Slightly Disagree | Neutral | Slightly Agree | Moderately Agree | Strongly Agree |
PEOU2: My interaction with technology does not require much effort. | |||||||
PEOU3: It is easy for me to become skillful at using technology. | |||||||
PEOU4: I have control over technology | |||||||
PEOU5: I have the knowledge necessary to use technology. | |||||||
ATU1: I look forward to those aspects of my job that require me to use technology. | |||||||
ATU2: I like working with technology | |||||||
ATU3: I have positive feelings towards the use of technology. | |||||||
BIU1: I intend to continue to use technology in the future. | |||||||
BIU2: I expect that I would use technology in the future. | |||||||
BIU3: I plan to use technology in the future. |
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Buabeng-Andoh, C., Yaokumah, W. & Tarhini, A. Investigating students’ intentions to use ICT: A comparison of theoretical models. Educ Inf Technol 24, 643–660 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-018-9796-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-018-9796-1