E-textbooks are often considered as having several advantages over printed textbooks. However, research shows conflicting results regarding school learners’ satisfaction with e-textbooks. In South Africa a particular e-book platform, EduBook for e-textbooks, is currently used in 170 schools across the country. In this study the satisfaction and continuance intention of 10 learners from a South African high school where cross-subject implementation of the EduBook platform was piloted, were considered. In this mixed method study, a control group of 7 non e-textbooks users from other schools were used to compare the findings. Guided by the adapted ECM model of Baker-Eveleth and Stone (2015), quantitative data was collected through eye tracking tests and qualitative data was collected through individual interviews and a focus group discussion. The findings confirm the influence of usability, expectations and perceived usefulness on satisfaction and continuance intention to use the e-textbook platform. In addition, it highlights post-adoption expectations created by cross-subject implementation and its influence on learners’ satisfaction. The important role played by the way in which teachers use the platform is emphasised and learners provided useful suggestions on how teachers can be prepared and assisted in the use of the platform.

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Gelderblom, H., Matthee, M., Hattingh, M. et al. High school learners’ continuance intention to use electronic textbooks: A usability study. Educ Inf Technol 24, 1753–1776 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-018-9850-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-018-9850-z