AHIS equation describes a new model for instructional system design and develops a system based on Merrill’s Component Display Theory incorporating appropriate selection of Media, Ergonomics and Navigation Structures to produce learner engaging and effective learning outcome. A significant component of the proposed model is the integration of principles of Ergonomics having Graphic Aesthetic as one of the constituent. Graphic Aesthetic decides Unity, Proportion, Balance, Sequence, and Cohesion for interface design. Next component is selection of suitable Media as per the categorized learning content. Merrill Component Display Theory has been utilized to categorized learning content. Research shows that media effects are significant in teaching learning process. Third significant component of the model is selection of Navigation structures. Navigation structures decide learner concentration level (learner engagement), restrict them from getting disoriented in hyperspace and finally direct them to their learning objectives. Research in the field of Navigation structures reveals that it’s potential for accelerating learning, when employed with well designed interfaces. Hence, time demands development of instructional model which identifies categorized learning content(pj), principles of Ergonomics for Interface Design(ej), Media selection criteria (mj) and selection of appropriate Navigation structures(nj) and improved learner engagement by calculating learner’s prior knowledge level based on learner known concepts(kcsknown), familiar concepts (kcsfamiliar) and new concepts(kcsnew).
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Appendix 1
1.1 Result of reliability - factor analysis and validity – cronbach’s alpha
1.2 Cronbach’s alpha: 0.91
1.2.1 Factor Analysis
Maximum change in communality at each iteration:
1.2.2 Eigenvalues
1.2.3 Eigenvectors
1.2.4 Factor pattern
1.2.5 Graph of factor loadings
1.2.6 Cronbach’s alpha
1.2.7 Correlations between variables and factors
1.2.8 Factor pattern coefficients
1.2.9 Factor scores
Appendix 2
For use in the theory of presentation design, learning behaviour has been classified into the following categories:
Covert learner behaviour includes listening, reading, observing, meditation, imagining, thinking through, etc.
Selective learner behaviour includes selection of most appropriate answer from available multiple-choice or making pairs from available alternatives.
Writing, drawing, or typing.
Having discussion on complex topic with their classmates.
Learning behaviour in Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor Domain can be measured through parameters that influence these Domains.
Cognitive domain focuses on intellectual skills and is well suited to the online environment. Parameters that influence cognitive domain include:
It is related to the understanding of complex task. Explanation of complex task is provided in learners’ vocabulary level.
It involves recall or reorganization of information, ideas and principles.
It provides guidelines to complete a task through transfer and use of data and principles.
It develops ability in learner to classify and relate assumptions, hypothesis, evidence or structure of a statement or questions.
It generates ability in learners to originate, integrate and relate the assumptions, hypothesis, evidence or structure of a statement or question.
It involves assessing or appraising of what has been learned.
Cognitive domain is affected by attitude, motivation, willingness to participate and valuing what is being learned. These values termed as affective domain has direct influence on leaner mental state.
Parameters of Affective domain are not as sequential as the cognitive domain but are described as the following:
Listening and following instructions is critical for understanding. Thus, this parameter is critical in affective domain.
Satisfaction is directly related to effective learning outcome. Satisfied learners actively participate, attend and react to learning activities thus improves learning achievement.
1.1 Appreciates
Appreciation is outcome of satisfaction. Satisfied learner appreciates learning activity. This attribute has direct effect on learner commitment and internalization of learning activity.
Motivation controls learner attitude towards learner behaviour. Motivated learner behaviour is pervasive and consistent and they also cooperate in group activities.
Affective learning encourages learner to set goals for themselves. Next domain is psychomotor domain. Psychomotor domain encourages learner to perform motor activities to a specified level of accuracy, smoothness, rapidity or force. Motor activities are based on cognitive understanding. In the higher education environment psychomotor learning is described as:
Sensory Cues:
Sensory cues guide motor activities. Learner detects non-verbal communication cues and interprets it for effective learning outcome.
Developing Mindset:
Positive mindset evokes desire to learn a new process. Mindset is related to learner’s affective domain. Mindsets are disposition that predetermines learner response to different situation.
Imitation is practicing. Adequacy of performance is achieved by practicing. Imitation involves demonstration and following instructions.
Training Proficiency:
This is the intermediate stage in learning a complex skill. Learned responses have become habitual and the movement can be performed with some confidence and proficiency.
The skilful performance of motor acts involves complex movement patterns. Proficiency is indicated by a quick, accurate, and highly coordinated performance, requiring a minimum of energy. This category includes performing without hesitation and automatic performance.
Generating Responses:
Modify instructions to generate responses. Instructions must be designed such that it evokes response.
Construct Thinking:
Constructs a new theory. Creating new movement patterns to fit a particular situation or specific problem. Thus, construct thinking works on developing a new and comprehensive thinking.
Learning Domain measures learning outcome, hence Instructional Models must follow learning Domain.
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Khan, M.J., Mustafa, K. Adaptive hypermedia instructional system (AHIS): A model. Educ Inf Technol 24, 3329–3392 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-019-09927-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-019-09927-x