The aim of the article is to study the prediction model of an individual learning style in e-learning systems to enhance the effectiveness of dentistry education. In developing the model, Neil Fleming’s VARK concept of information perception was applied. The statistical data of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service on the students’ distribution in the field of preparation of dentists in higher educational institutions for 2018–19 was used to assess the current state of development of dental education and the possibilities of introducing e-learning systems. In order to achieve the goal set, the anonymous survey was conducted among dental students of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (MSMU). To compare the state of dental education with the developed countries, the study provides a survey performed by the American Dental Association in the United States. The investigation among the MSMU students involved 18 male and 24 female participants. The correlation analysis of the relationships between different learning styles revealed the closest relation between auditory and visual learning. Since the correlation was negative (r = −0.500), the visual style was considered less developed. Based on the data obtained, a model for predicting an individual learning style based on a specially designed questionnaire was proposed to improve the e-learning of dental students. The information resulted from the current research will contribute to the promotion of a profound study of academic disciplines in the field of dental education by developing an e-learning system. Thus, the use of students’ cognitive skills could be improved.

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VM, RL and NP contributed equally to the experimentation. RL wrote and edited the article. VM designed and conducted the experiment. NP studied scientific literature about the topic. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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Movchun, V., Lushkov, R. & Pronkin, N. RETRACTED ARTICLE: Prediction of individual learning style in e-learning systems: opportunities and limitations in dental education. Educ Inf Technol 26, 2523–2537 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-020-10372-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-020-10372-4