MOOC is an innovative method in modern education, particularly important for sharing of excellent educational resources worldwide. To realize the full potential of MOOC, we need to understand the factors influencing MOOC success. In this study a theoretical framework has been proposed by integrating a self-regulated learning theory and DeLone and McLean success model to investigate the determinants of successful MOOC. This study aimed to (1) examine the relationships between quality factors and satisfaction; self-regulated learning and (2) understand the role of satisfaction as a mediator of the quality factors /self-regulated learning relationships. Six hundred twenty-two structured questionnaires collected from undergraduate students in Malaysia. The subsequent analysis employing Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) revealed three main results: first, system quality has a positive impact on satisfaction; second, satisfaction and service quality have a positive impact on self-regulated learning; finally, system quality has an indirect effect on SRL via satisfaction. The findings provide by the study will guide MOOC designer and developer to formulate methods and strategies that could further improve the adoption of MOOC successfully.

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Self-Regulated Learning
- SRGL1 :
I know what I am going to achieve in this MOOC course.
- SRGL2:
I have set aside time to study the MOOC course.
- SRGL3:
I have high standards for my work on this MOOC course.
- SRGL4:
I have set targets for all I want to achieve in this MOOC course.
- SRGL5:
I have written down the goals I plan to achieve by the end of this MOOC course.
- SRGL6:
I work strategically to prioritize tasks to help me achieve my learning goals in MOOC course.
- SRGL7:
I am prepared to tackle any challenging aspects of the work in this MOOC course.
- SRGL8:
I have planned ahead in order to devote the necessary time to my online studies.
- SRGL9:
I find a good time to study when I won’t be distracted.
- SRGL10:
I choose my study location in order to avoid distractions.
- SRGL11:
I find a comfortable place to study.
- SRGL12:
I choose an appropriate place to work in order to study effectively.
- SRGL13 :
I plan to use the interactive communication channels provided to gain support from peers and tutors.
- SRGL14:
I plan to participate in the course discussion forums in order to get the most out of the course.
- SRGL15:
While engaging in this course, I will reflect on my study in each module.
- SRGL16:
I will be proactive in engaging and reviewing progress in the learning path I select.
- STF1:
I am satisfied with my decision to take this course via MOOC.
- STF2:
If I had an opportunity to take another course via MOOC, I would gladly do so.
- STF3:
My choice to take this course via MOOC was a wise one.
- STF4:
I was very satisfied with the MOOC course.
- STF5:
I feel that this MOOC course served my needs well.
- STF6:
I will take as many courses via MOOC as I can.
- STF7:
If I had it to do over, I would take this course via MOOC.
- STF8:
I think conducting the course via MOOC made it easier than other courses I have taken.
Information quality
- IFQ1:
I believe that MOOC system provides me with the outputs that I need.
- IFQ2:
I believe that information (i.e. learning materials) from the MOOC system is in a form that is readily usable.
- IFQ3:
I believe that, MOOC system provides information (i.e. learning materials) that is easy to understand.
- IFQ4:
I believe that information (i.e. learning materials) from the MOOC system is concise.
System quality
- SYQ1:
For me, the MOOC system is easy to use.
- SYQ2:
For me, the MOOC system is easy to manage.
- SYQ3:
For me, MOOC system meets my expectations.
- SYQ4:
For me, MOOC system includes necessary features and functions for my study.
- SYQ5:
For me, all data within MOOC system is fully integrated and consistent.
Service quality
- SEQ1:
In my MOOC learning experiences, the instructors are good to learners.
- SEQ2:
In my MOOC learning experiences, the instructors are friendly to learners.
- SEQ3:
In my MOOC learning experiences, the instructors are knowledgeable enough about the content.
- SEQ4:
In my MOOC learning experiences, the instructors are available via e-mail, phone or fax.
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Albelbisi, N.A., Al-Adwan, A.S. & Habibi, A. Self-regulated learning and satisfaction: A key determinants of MOOC success. Educ Inf Technol 26, 3459–3481 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-020-10404-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-020-10404-z