Currently, computer-based tests are widely used in large-scale assessments in education. However, the effective participation of people with visual impairments (PwVI) through the use of Assistive Technologies (ATs) to take these tests equitably and independently is an open challenge, particularly in countries with high social inequality, as Brazil. The present study systematically mapped the ATs used by PwVI to access digital information in large-scale assessments. Based on the systematic literature review methodology, 3012 articles from four scientific databases were retrieved, of which 28 were considered for analysis. The results point to a wide range of ATs to make tests accessible, as well as to a trend towards the implementation of global solutions through important partnerships and consortia. Such initiatives present proposals for accessible, reusable, and interoperable technology solutions that promote access to examinations based on the concept of universal design, in order to guarantee the right to education for everyone, including PwVI. Furthermore, our systematic review indicated that research on the topic concentrates in some countries (e.g., U.S.). Lastly, we found out that there is a research gap regarding how to implement and expand the use of these technologies in regions with rather different realities in terms of access to digital information, financial resources and ease of access to technology by PwVI.

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Reading aid: “Specialized test reading service for people with visual impairments, people with intellectual disability, autism, attention deficit or dyslexia”. For ENEM, the readers work in pairs to read the test” (NIESR, 2012, p. 3).
Transcription aid: “Specialized service for filling out objective and essay tests for participants unable to write or fill out the Answer Card” (NIESR, 2012, p. 3).
Universal design: “design of products, environments, programs and services to be used, to the greatest possible extent, by all people, with no need for adaptation or for a specific project” (North Carolina State University, 1997, p. n).
Screen reader. Assistive Technology used by people with visual impairments as an external software installed on the user’s workstation, which converts information from a written text into an audible message (NV Access, 2015).
Text-To-Speech(TTS): Internal mechanism that allows software to convert text into audible messages (Minin et al., 2015).
Speech-To-Text (STT): Internal mechanism that allows software to convert voice into text (Minin et al., 2015).
Scalable Vect Graphics (SVG): “is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML” (W3C, 2011, p. n).
VoiceXML: “language for creating audio dialogs that feature synthesized speech, digitized audio, recognition of spoken and DTMF key input, recording of spoken input, telephony, and mixed initiative conversations”(W3C, 2007, p. n).
User-Centered Design: “an approach to interactive system development that aims at making systems useful and easy to use, focusing on end users, their needs and requirements [...]. This approach increases effectiveness and efficiency, improves human well-being, user satisfaction, accessibility and sustainability” (ISO, 2010, p. n)
Ubiquitous Accessibility or U-Accessibility: Extension of the concept of accessibility to include the new model of human-computer interaction made possible by ubiquitous computing, allowing users to interact with different types of devices and applications, as well as enabling cloud or remote system processing (Salah et al., 2018; Tavares et al., 2016).
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Differential item functioning (DIF): it is a statistical approach to test to what extent the difficulty of the item differs between groups, as well as whether test constructions and equity are maintained (Lin & Lin, 2014).
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This work has been supported by funding from Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education People (CAPES), with PhD scholarship in Federal university of ABC - Brazil.
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Leria, L.A., Benitez, P. & Fraga, F.J. Assistive technology in large-scale assessments for students with visual impairments: A systematic review and recommendations based on the Brazilian reality. Educ Inf Technol 26, 3543–3573 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-020-10419-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-020-10419-6