The present study investigates a comparison of the recursive and non-recursive models of attitude towards problem-based learning, disposition to critical thinking, and creative thinking as outcomes of an ill-structured problem-based technology integration course for pre-service teachers. There are 394 participants compromised via online surveys. Initially, we have examined each outcome for their possible influential factors. We have included the factors revealed associated with the outcome variables in the development of the recursive and non-recursive measurement models. The recursive model suggests cooperative learning process is associated with all the outcomes. Personality traits have a great potential as complementary factors. Spare time activities played a prominent role in the disposition to critical thinking. Reflective thinking on problem-solving improved disposition to critical thinking and attitude towards problem-based learning. Interestingly, the regulation of cognition, a type of metacognition, influenced in disposition to critical thinking, and the knowledge of cognition impacted creative thinking. In the nonrecursive model, we have dropped creative thinking to obtain the best fit model. Attitudes towards Problem-Based Learning and Disposition to Critical Thinking have a feedback loop association. Several factor variables are excluded, as well. Then, the findings are discussed.
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Toker, S., Akbay, T. A comparison of recursive and nonrecursive models of attitude towards problem-based learning, disposition to critical thinking, and creative thinking in an computer literacy course for preservice teachers. Educ Inf Technol 27, 6715–6751 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-022-10906-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-022-10906-y