This study aims to determine how the use of virtual reality impacts physics students, their knowledge, and the quality of training. The study involved 116 students aged 17–19. The main purpose is to explore the effect that VR technology has on students’ knowledge and motivation. As per usual, the students were divided into two research groups: experimental and control. Physics students (experimental group) used virtual reality in learning, while radiophysics students (control group) followed the standard educational program. The results obtained upon completion of the training have confirmed that VR technology can effectively improve learning quality and increase student motivation.

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Khaleel Al-Said is grateful to the Middle East University, Amman, Jordan for the financial support granted to cover the publication fee of this study.
The research received no funding.
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Appendix 1
Appendix 1
The questionnaire on motivation for studying Physics.
I am interested in studying Physics.
Physics helps me better understand the world around me.
Studying Physics is important for my future professional career.
I believe that knowledge of Physics will help me solve complex problems.
Physics stimulates my curiosity and cognitive abilities.
I study Physics because it is interesting.
Success in studying Physics is important to me.
I hope to improve my analytical skills by studying physics.
Physics allows me to better understand natural phenomena.
I like to solve physical problems and problems.
Achievements in Physics give me pleasure.
I feel that I am capable of studying Physics.
Physics is an interesting science for me.
I find Physics useful for developing my critical thinking skills.
My parents/teachers support my desire to study Physics.
I am sure that studying Physics will help me solve everyday problems.
I want to understand the physical laws that govern the world around me.
Success in Physics is important for my future studies and career.
I feel that my knowledge of Physics helps me develop my intelligence.
Physics encourages my creativity and innovative approach to problem-solving.
Please rate each of the statements on a 5-point Likert scale, where:
1 – absolutely disagree,
2 – disagree,
3 – not sure/neutral,
4 – agree,
5 – absolutely agree.
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Al-Said, K., Amarin, N. & Krasnova, L. Comparative effectiveness of teaching physics in the classroom and through VR: Perspectives for expanding the possibilities of using VR technology in education. Educ Inf Technol 29, 14309–14324 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-12438-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-12438-5