With the prevalence of Large Language Model-based chatbots, middle school students are increasingly likely to engage with these tools to complete their assignments, raising concerns about its potential to harm students’ learning motivation and learning outcomes. However, we know little about its real impact. Through quasi-experiment research with 127 Chinese middle school students, we examined the impact of completing assignments with a Large Language Model-based chatbot, wisdomBot, on middle school students’ assignment performance, learning outcomes, learning motivation, learning satisfaction, and learning experiences; we also summarized teachers’ reflections on learning design. Compared to control groups, the Large Language Model chatbot-assisted group demonstrated significantly higher assignment submission rates, word counts, and scores in assignment performance. However, they gained significantly lower scores on materials refinement and knowledge tests. No significant differences have been observed in learning motivation, satisfaction, enjoyment, and students’ ability to migrate their knowledge. The majority of students expressed satisfaction and willingness to continue using the tool. We also identified three key gaps in learning designs, including providing scaffolds for the potential prompts, suggesting group collaboration mode, and relinquishing the authoritarian of the teacher. Our findings provide insights regarding with Large Language Model-based chatbots we could better design assignment assessment tools, facilitate students’ autonomous learning, provide emotional support, propose guidelines and instructions about applying Large Language Model-based chatbots in K-12, as well as design specialized educational Large Language Model-based chatbots.

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The authors would like to acknowledge the funding support of National Science and Technology Major Project (2022ZD0115904).
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Yumeng Zhu: Investigation, Data curation, Writing, Methodology, Visualisation. Caifeng Zhu: Investigation, Data curation, Writing. Tao Wu: Software and Writing-Reviewing. Shulei Wang: Software. Yiyun Zhou: Software. Jingyuan Chen: Writing-Reviewing and Editing. Wei Fu: Writing-Reviewing and Editing. Yan Li: Conceptualization, Investigation, Supervision, Writing- Reviewing and Editing.
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Full version of assignments scoring rubric.
Dimension\score | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Completion: Assess the extent to which the task is fully completed. | Significant elements are missing or incomplete. | Several key components are incomplete. | Most elements are complete, but some are missing. | Nearly all elements are complete, with minor omissions. | The task is fully and thoroughly completed. |
Creativity: Evaluate the level of creativity demonstrated in the work. | Little to no evidence of original thinking or creativity. | Limited creativity; ideas are somewhat derivative. | Some original elements, but overall lacking creativity. | Demonstrates creativity in certain aspects. | Exceptional creativity are evident throughout. |
Accuracy: Examine the correctness of the content or information presented. | Numerous inaccuracies or errors in content. | Several factual inaccuracies are present. | Few inaccuracies; some minor errors. | Rare inaccuracies, with only minor errors. | All content is accurate and error-free. |
Material Refinement: Assess the degree of secondary processing or refinement of materials(from wisdomBot or search engine). | Little to no evidence of secondary processing. | Minimal efforts in refining materials. | Some attempts at processing or refining materials. | Effective use of secondary processing in certain areas. | Comprehensive and skillful refinement of materials. |
Depth: Assess the extent to which the content demonstrates thorough understanding. | Content lacks depth and is superficial, with little elaboration or analysis. | Limited depth, with some aspects lacking elaboration or analysis. | Moderate depth, with most aspects adequately elaborated and analyzed. | Substantial depth, with thorough elaboration and analysis of most aspects. | Exceptional depth, demonstrating comprehensive understanding and insightful analysis throughout. |
Logic: Evaluate the logical flow and coherence of the work. | The work lacks a logical structure or flow. | Major inconsistencies disrupt the logical flow. | Overall logical flow, but with some disruptions. | Logical progression with minimal disruptions. | A highly logical and coherent presentation. |
Page Aesthetics: Consider the visual attractiveness and formatting skills in creating the document. | The document lacks visual appeal and proper formatting. | Minimal attention to aesthetics and formatting. | Adequate visual appeal, but some formatting issues. | Well-designed with minor formatting improvements possible. | Visually appealing, with excellent formatting skills demonstrated. |
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Zhu, Y., Zhu, C., Wu, T. et al. Impact of assignment completion assisted by Large Language Model-based chatbot on middle school students’ learning. Educ Inf Technol 30, 2429–2461 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-024-12898-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-024-12898-3