The current privacy-preserving researches focus on single-owner privacy data. However, multi-owner privacy data, which is also a widespread privacy data, need to be properly protected. At first, the characteristics of multi-owner privacy data and its protection requirement is introduced in this paper. Secondly, a data schema based on deputy mechanism for multi-owner privacy data is proposed. Thirdly, based on the schema, this paper proposes a privacy policy conflict detection method based on sub-graph isomorphic. This method models the privacy policy and each possible policy conflict pattern as a stratified-directed graph (SDG), and provides an algorithm to detect whether the SDG of a privacy conflict mode is isomorphic to that of privacy policies.
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Ren, Y., Cheng, F., Peng, Z. et al. A privacy policy conflict detection method for multi-owner privacy data protection. Electron Commer Res 11, 103–121 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-010-9067-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-010-9067-8