Online group-buying (OGB) is a relatively new market, but has attracted much academic attention. Under intensive competition, it is essential for OGB websites to maintain customers’ revisit. This paper identified three context-specific characteristics of an OGB website and investigated the impact of these features on customers’ revisit intention. Furthermore, the effects of these features were proposed to vary among different visit channels. A theoretical model was developed and tested based on 258 valid responses collected through an online survey. The results indicated the distinct effects of OGB features and supported the contingent impact of visit channels. Specifically, timeliness and inconsistency had stronger negative influence on revisit intention for indirect visitors, while the effect of richness is significant for both the direct and indirect visitors.

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Che, T., Peng, Z. & Hua, Z. Characteristics of online group-buying website and consumers intention to revisit: the moderating effects of visit channels. Electron Commer Res 16, 171–188 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-016-9214-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-016-9214-y