The main goal of this work is to present a family of empirical studies that we have carried out to investigate whether the use of composite states may improve the understandability of UML statechart diagrams derived from class diagrams. Our hypotheses derive from conventional wisdom, which says that hierarchical modeling mechanisms are helpful in mastering the complexity of a software system. In our research, we have carried out three empirical studies, consisting of five experiments in total. The studies differed somewhat as regards the size of the UML statechart models, though their size and the complexity of the models were chosen so that they could be analyzed by the subjects within a limited time period. The studies also differed with respect to the type of subjects (students vs. professionals), the familiarity of the subjects with the domains of the diagrams, and other factors. To integrate the results obtained from each of the five experiments, we performed a meta-analysis study which allowed us to take into account the differences between studies and to obtain the overall effect that the use of composite states has on the understandability of UML statechart diagrams throughout all the experiments. The results obtained are not completely conclusive. They cast doubts on the usefulness of composite states for a better understanding and memorizing of UML statechart diagrams. Composite states seem only to be helpful for acquiring knowledge from the diagrams. At any rate, it should be noted that these results are affected by the previous experience of the subjects on modeling, as well as by the size and complexity of the UML statechart diagrams we used, so care should be taken when generalizing our results.
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This research is part of the IDONEO project (PAC08-0160-6141) financed by “Consejería de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha” and the ESFINGE project supported by the “Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain)” (TIN2006-15175-C05-05). The research presented in this paper has been partially funded by the IST project “QualiPSo,” sponsored by the EU in the 6th FP (IST-034763), the FIRB project “ARTDECO,” sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Education and University, and the project “La qualità nello sviluppo software,” sponsored by the Università degli Studi dell’Insubria.
The authors would like to thank:
● Professors Ambrosio Toval (University of Murcia) and Cristina Cachero (University of Alicante) and their students for having cooperated in the performance of the experiments.
● Our PhD students at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) and our undergraduate students at the Università degli Studi dell’Insubria (Italy) for their unselfish help in the second experiment and its replication.
● The staff in INDRA (formerly Soluziona)—Ciudad Real (Spain) for their time and understanding during the preparation for and performance of the third experiment.
● The reviewers involved in the development process of this paper; all your valuable comments have helped us improve its quality.
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Appendix A. Experimental Material
All the experimental material concerning the family of experiments is available on-line at http://alarcos.esi.uclm.es/CSExperiments/
By way of example, we include the diagrams and tests used in the third experiment (E3).
PHASE 1: The Xholon Watch
The Xholon Digital Watch (© 2005, 2006 Ken Webb) sample application simulates the internal structure and behavior of a fairly generic digital watch.
It has four buttons which can be labeled S1, S2, S3 and S4. It displays the time or the date. By pressing the four buttons in various combinations, the current second, minute, hour, month, day and date can be updated, and various other internal functions can be managed. Figure 7
The main functionalities of the buttons are outlined in the following table:
Button | Functionality |
S1 | Time / Date |
S2 | Set Alarm on / off |
S3 normal | Chronometer |
S3 long | Date/Time/Alarm Update |
S4 | Light |
On the following page, you will find the state machine that modeled how the watch works. Please look at this and try to understand it. Take as much time as you need.
Once you are ready, start answering the questions in test #1. You must answer the questions in the same order as they are given and note down the exact time at which you finish answering the last question.
To complete this phase, you can look at the diagram as many times as you need.
Once you have finished each of the phases of the experiment, please remain seated and wait for further instructions from the experiment supervisor.
PHASE 1: The Xholon Watch. Test #1
Please answer the following questions in the same order they are given. Put a “T” in the blank box with if you think that the sentence is true and an “F” if you think that it is false.
Do not forget to note down the time at which you finish answering the last question.
Thank you very much. You may begin.
1. If we are in the state TIME and the button S1 is pressed twice we reach the state TIME again. |
2. There is only one possible combination of buttons to set the alarm off. |
3. The chronometer may be running while the date is displayed on the watch. |
4. When updating the date and time we can increase and decrease the values by pressing several buttons. |
5. If button S3 is pressed for 2 s while the date is being displayed, we get to the alarm update mode. |
6. The order in which the alarm, date and time are updated is always the same. |
7. The diagram models how the light of the watch works. |
8. While updating the alarm, date and time, the real time can be displayed at any moment by pressing one button. |
9. Whenever a button is pressed, there is a transition between states. |
10. There is a specific button combination to change the day of the week we are in. |
TEST FINISHED IN:________minutes_________seconds
PHASE 1: The Xholon Watch. Test #2
In this phase, you will find a paragraph that describes the main features of the watch. You must complete each of the blanks in the text with a suitable word or group of words that make the text complete and meaningful.
Do not forget to write down the time after you have finished exercise.
Thank you very much. You may begin.
The Xholon DW application simulates the internal structure and the (1) of a conventional digital watch.
It displays the time or the date. By pressing the four buttons in various combinations, the current second, minute, hour, month, day and date can be updated, and various other internal functions can be managed.
It has four buttons which can be labeled S1, S2, S3 and S4. By pressing the four buttons in various combinations, the watch displays the time or the (2).
The current second, minute, hour, month, day and date can be updated, and various other internal functions can be managed, such as (3), for example.
The watch displays the date by pressing and releasing the button (4). It also allows us to change the alarm status, and there can be a beep on every (5) or when the (6) is set on. Both options may also be set on or off together.
The (7) has its typical functionalities and can be left running while the time is displayed. To change from one mode to another, button (8) must be pressed.
To update the date and time, we must press the button (9), and change the value for the alarm, time and date by pressing the button (10) to increase the displayed value in 1 unit and the button (11) to pass from one element to another.
TEST FINISHED IN: minutes seconds
PHASE 1: The Xholon Watch. Test #3
In this test, you must perform a series of tasks that will be described next. You have some blank sheets for this purpose and you can use them and bring them back at the end of this test.
When performing the required tasks, you can comment on as many aspects of your solution as you want.
Please do not forget to note down the time at which you finish carrying out the last of the tasks.
Thank you very much. You may begin.
Build a state machine that models the possibility of the buttons S1 and S2 being pressed together.
Taking as a starting point the time 00hs00mis of January 1st 2000, please indicate the minimum sequence of buttons to be pressed to update the watch to 03hs07mins of June 13th 2005.
What would happen if the following sequence of buttons is pressed while the watch is displaying the time?
Please model the behavior of button S4, which turns the watch light on and off, by adding to the original diagram as many states, transitions, events, guard conditions and activities as you consider necessary.
Please indicate the minimum sequence of buttons to be pressed to update the alarm to 08hs00mins and activate it, but not the chime.
What would happen if the following sequence of buttons is pressed while the watch is displaying the time?
TEST FINISHED IN:______minutes________seconds
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Cruz-Lemus, J.A., Genero, M., Manso, M.E. et al. Assessing the understandability of UML statechart diagrams with composite states—A family of empirical studies. Empir Software Eng 14, 685–719 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-009-9106-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-009-9106-z