Traditional just-in-time defect prediction approaches have been using changed lines of software to predict defective-changes in software development. However, they disregard information around the changed lines. Our main hypothesis is that such information has an impact on the likelihood that the change is defective. To take advantage of this information in defect prediction, we consider n-lines (n = 1,2,…) that precede and follow the changed lines (which we call context lines), and propose metrics that measure them, which we call “Context Metrics.” Specifically, these context metrics are defined as the number of words/keywords in the context lines. In a large-scale empirical study using six open source software projects, we compare the performance of using our context metrics, traditional code churn metrics (e.g., the number of modified subsystems), our extended context metrics which measure not only context lines but also changed lines, and combination metrics that use two extended context metrics at a prediction model for defect prediction. The results show that context metrics that consider the context lines of added-lines achieve the best median value in all cases in terms of a statistical test. Moreover, using few number of context lines is suitable for context metric that considers words, and using more number of context lines is suitable for context metric that considers keywords. Finally, the combination metrics of two extended context metrics significantly outperform all studied metrics in all studied projects w. r. t. the area under the receiver operation characteristic curve (AUC) and Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC).

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Note that a chunk is able to be of type ‘+’, ‘-’ and ‘all’ at once. In this case, a chunk includes at least two lines that consist of at least one ‘+’ and ‘-’ line.
The keywords refer to reserved words (statements) in C++ that are shown by Microsoft Visual Studio (Microsoft 2016). Because the reserved words of C++ and Java are almost the same, we use the keywords for the projects in Java. We separate the reserved words that include underscores. For instance, we convert “__if_exists” into “if” and “exists”.
Here, a source file is a file with the name ending in java, c, h, cpp, hpp, cxx, or hxx, since we analyze both C++ and Java.
https://github.com/doofuslarge/lscp. lscp separates complex identifiers into its component words —e.g., converts GetBoolArg into Get, Bool, Arg).
Note that while higher values of AUC and MCC are better than lower values, lower values of Brier score are better than higher values. This is because Brier score is the sum of the mean squared differences between predicted probabilities and actual binary labels.
COMB are two context metrics NCCW and gotoNCCKW. Hence, we study NCCW and gotoNCCKW instead of COMB.
Here, the coefficient means the left-singular vector. We conduct the PCA using singular vector decomposition.
The first principal component means the input metrics set that can very retain the original metrics variance.
Metrics which represent higher variance of the studied metrics have higher coefficient in the first principal component.
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This work was partially supported by NSERC Canada as well as JSPS KAKENHI Japan (Grant Numbers: JP16K12415).
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In this Appendix, we show the actual values of the three evaluation measures corresponding to the results of the rank in RQ1, RQ2, and RQ3. In addition, we show the correlation across the modified NCCKW.
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Kondo, M., German, D.M., Mizuno, O. et al. The impact of context metrics on just-in-time defect prediction. Empir Software Eng 25, 890–939 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-019-09736-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-019-09736-3