Code reuse has traditionally been encouraged since it enables one to avoid re-inventing the wheel. Due to the npm left-pad package incident where a trivial package led to the breakdown of some of the most popular web applications such as Facebook and Netflix, some questioned such reuse. Reuse of trivial packages is particularly prevalent in platforms such as npm. To date, there is no study that examines the reason why developers reuse trivial packages other than in npm. Therefore, in this paper, we study two large platforms npm and PyPI. We mine more than 500,000 npm packages and 38,000 JavaScript applications and more than 63,000 PyPI packages and 14,000 Python applications to study the prevalence of trivial packages. We found that trivial packages are common, making up between 16.0% to 10.5% of the studied platforms. We performed surveys with 125 developers who use trivial packages to understand the reasons and drawbacks of their use. Our surveys revealed that trivial packages are used because they are perceived to be well implemented and tested pieces of code. However, developers are concerned about maintaining and the risks of breakages due to the extra dependencies trivial packages introduce. To objectively verify the survey results, we validate the most cited reason and drawback. We find that contrary to developers’ beliefs only around 28% of npm and 49% PyPI trivial packages have tests. However, trivial packages appear to be ‘deployment tested’ and to have similar test, usage and community interest as non-trivial packages. On the other hand, we found that 18.4% and 2.9% of the studied trivial packages have more than 20 dependencies in npm and PyPI, respectively.
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In this paper, we use the term package to refer to a software library that is published on the studied package management platforms.
Note that if a package is required in the application, but does not exist, it will break the application.
It is important to note that the motivation and full derivation (e.g., why they put a weight of 0.15 on the test coverage, etc.) of the metrics is beyond the scope of this paper. We refer interested readers to the npms documentation for more details (Cruz and Duarte 2017). To make our paper self-sufficient, we include how the metrics are calculated here.
we modified the npm code to intercept the install call and counted the installations needed for every package.
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The authors are grateful to the many survey respondents who dedicated their valuable time to respond to our surveys. Also, the authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers and the editor for their thoughtful feedback and suggestions that help us improve our study.
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Abdalkareem, R., Oda, V., Mujahid, S. et al. On the impact of using trivial packages: an empirical case study on npm and PyPI. Empir Software Eng 25, 1168–1204 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-019-09792-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-019-09792-9