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A unified multi-task learning model for AST-level and token-level code completion

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Empirical Software Engineering Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Code completion, one of the most useful features in the Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), can accelerate software development by suggesting the next probable tokens based on existing code in real-time. Recent studies have shown that recurrent neural networks based statistical language models can improve the performance of code completion tools through learning from large-scale software repositories. However, most of the existing approaches treat code completion as a single generation task in which the model predicts the value of the tokens or AST nodes based on the contextual source code without considering the syntactic constraints such as the static type information. Besides, the semantic relationships in programs can be very long. Existing recurrent neural networks based language models are not sufficient to model the long-term dependency. In this paper, we tackle the aforementioned limitations by building a unified multi-task learning based code completion model for both AST-level and token-level code completion. To model the relationship and constraints between the type and value of the code elements, we adopt a multi-task learning framework to predict the type and value of the tokens (AST nodes) simultaneously. To capture the long-term dependency in the input programs, we employ a self-attentional architecture based network as the base language model. We apply our approach to both AST-level and token-level code completion. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our model when compared with state-of-the-art methods.

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Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6

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  2. The nodes in the path are non-leaf nodes, and they do not have the value attribute. Thus, we use the node’s type as the representation for the nodes in the path.






  8. For the next node’s type prediction, the upper bound of the accuracy is 100%. For the next node’s value prediction, since the UNK targets are treated as wrong predictions, the upper bound of the accuracy is less than 100%, which depends on the UNK rate of the dataset.

  9. The datasets and code are publicly available in


  11. 34% = (87.1%-80.6%) / (100%-80.6%), 17% = (83.4%-79.9%) / (100%-79.9%), 25% = (91.4%-88.6%) / (100%-88.6%)

  12. 20% = (73.8%-70.1%) / (89%-70.1%), 20% = (76.8%-74.3%) / (87%-74.3%), 14% = (82.7%-81.0%) / (93%-81.0%)


  14. Since the PMN also makes use of the additional information derived from ASTs, the results of using the token sequence as input might understate the accuracy of the plain PMN.



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This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 62072007, 62192731, 62192733, 61832009, 62192730. Zhi Jin and Ge Li are corresponding authors.

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Communicated by: Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Shinpei Hayashi and Michel R. V. Chaudron

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Liu, F., Li, G., Wei, B. et al. A unified multi-task learning model for AST-level and token-level code completion. Empir Software Eng 27, 91 (2022).

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