Release notes (RNs) refer to the technical documentation that offers users, developers, and other stakeholders comprehensive information about the changes and updates of a new software version. Producing high-quality RNs can be challenging, and it remains unknown what issues developers commonly encounter and what effective strategies can be adopted to mitigate them. To bridge this knowledge gap, we conduct a manual analysis of 1,529 latest RN-related issues in the GitHub issue tracker by using multiple rounds of open coding and construct 1) a comprehensive taxonomy of RN-related issues with four dimensions validated through three semi-structured interviews; 2) an effective framework with eight categories of strategies to overcome these challenges. The four dimensions of RN-related issues revealed by the taxonomy and the corresponding strategies from the framework include: 1) Content (419, 25.47%): RN producers tend to overlook information rather than include inaccurate details, especially for breaking changes. To address this, effective completeness validations are recommended, such as managing Pull Requests, issues, and commits related to RNs; 2) Presentation (150, 9.12%): inadequate layout may bury important information and lead to end users’ confusion, which can be mitigated by employing a hierarchical structure, standardized format, rendering RNs, and folding techniques; 3) Accessibility (303, 18.42%): many users find RNs inaccessible due to link deterioration, insufficient notification, and obfuscated RN locations. This can be alleviated by adopting appropriate locations and channels (such as project websites) and standardizing link management.; 4) Production (773, 46.99%): despite the high demand from RN producers, automating and standardizing the RN production process remains challenging. Developers resolve this problem by using some mature tools on GitHub (like Release Drafter). Additionally, offering guidance, clarifying responsibilities, and distributing workloads are effective in improving collaboration within the team. Mechanisms for distributing and verifying RNs are also selected to enhance synchronization management. Our taxonomy provides a comprehensive blueprint to improve RN production in practice and also reveals interesting future research directions.
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Data Availability
A replication package includes all supplementary materials, which can be found at https://figshare.com/s/b86957f784a8c872c042. This package includes:
– An Excel spreadsheet contains the complete issues and all of our analysis of the RN-related issues;
– The scripts we used to collect, analyze, and visualize the data;
– A markdown contains the practitioner-oriented checklist for producing a high-quality RN.
Throughout this paper, we use the term “user” to refer to anyone reading or referring to RNs for their tasks, including internal developers, downstream developers, and software end users.
In this paper, the term “RN-related issues” refers to the issues proposed by developers in the GitHub issue tracker system for software release notes.
An IssueEvent can refer to any activity associated with issues, e.g., creating an issue and commenting on an issue. https://docs.github.com/en/rest/issues/events
We exclude issues whose status is open and whose duration time is over one year in order to avoid bias introduced by forgetting to close and inactivity.
We do not assign more because inspecting, comprehending, and labeling issues takes significant time and energy, which they lack to label more.
Considering a large number of leaf nodes, we only plot left nodes whose issue number is greater than 30, which cover all four dimensions and account for 82.54% of issues in our dataset.
Most automation tools primarily focus on automating RN generation, while there are also several tools recommended to assist RN management. In the following strategies, we will introduce other tools according to their goals.
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This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant 61825201 and 62332001.
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Wu, J., He, H., Gao, K. et al. A comprehensive analysis of challenges and strategies for software release notes on GitHub. Empir Software Eng 29, 104 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-024-10486-0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-024-10486-0