Hybrid digital terrain models represent an effective framework to combine and integrate terrain data with different topology and resolution. Cartographic digital terrain models typically are constituted by regular grid data and can be refined by adding locally TINs that represent morphologically complex terrain parts. Direct rendering of both data sets to visualize the digital terrain model would generate geometric discontinuities as the meshes are disconnected. In this paper we present a new meshing scheme for hybrid terrain representations. High quality models without discontinuities are generated as the different representations are softly joined through an adaptive tessellation procedure. Due to the complexity of the algorithms involved in the tessellation procedure, we propose a mixed strategy where part of the information is pre-computed and efficiently encoded. This way, for rendering the model, the tessellation information has to be decoded and only additional simple operations have to be performed.
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Bóo, M., Amor, M. & Döllner, J. Unified Hybrid Terrain Representation Based on Local Convexifications. Geoinformatica 11, 331–357 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10707-006-0003-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10707-006-0003-y