Business professionals are increasingly mobile and should be supported by suitable mobile Decision Support Systems (DSS). In our previous work, we have established that such suitable mobile DSS should be (i) GeoBI(Geospatial Business Intelligence)-enabled and (ii) context-based, and have addressed issues regarding context characterization and context modeling. The present paper deals with mobile GeoBI context-based reasoning. Through realistic scenarios, it highlights (i) the requirement for context-based reasoning to enhance mobile GeoBI experience, (ii) the need for contextual metrics/statistics to help mobile business professionals discover their local context, (iii) the need for crossing business performance metrics with contextual metrics to help mobile business professionals in discovering the context hidden behind business performance figures, and proposes convenient solutions to tackle these needs.
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Diallo, B.A.A., Badard, T., Hubert, F. et al. Context-based mobile GeoBI: enhancing business analysis with contextual metrics/statistics and context-based reasoning. Geoinformatica 18, 405–433 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10707-013-0187-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10707-013-0187-x