A determinant factor for the introduction of grid technologies in production domains of scale can be the design of easy, fast and, from an operational point of view, realizable deployment procedures. Remote system management technologies, typically used to monitor and manage IT environments, are designed to offer remote software installation functionality that exhibits the aforementioned characteristics; however, previous work has shown that even valuable systems can fail to perform in heterogeneous, geographically distributed environments, especially if they are maintained by organizations affiliated to the public sector. The deployment of grid technologies throughout the Greek School Network can be achieved by combining OpenRSM, a novel open source solution capable to support usable, configurable, infrastructure management use cases in heterogeneous environments and LiveWN, a grid scavenging solution that integrates live technologies with gLite grids.
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Kalochristianakis, M.N., Georgatos, F., Gkamas, V. et al. Deploying LiveWN Grids in the Greek School Network. J Grid Computing 10, 237–248 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-012-9203-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-012-9203-x