SLA-aware Cloud platforms need mechanisms to represent, store and retrieve Cloud services. Usually services changes between different platforms, custom models are built to capture this information and ad-hoc implementations used to store and retrieve it. This paper propose a generic methodology for the representation of Cloud services. This methodology uses the WS-Agreement specification for capturing and manipulation arbitrary services using SLA fragments. SLA fragments are composed on the fly in response to user request. A SLA composition algorithm enables a prototype implementation of the methodology in a SLA-aware Cloud platform. This methodology provides the genericity, extensibility and flexibility to unify the modeling of Cloud services. Finally a use case provides a quantitative measure of the utility provided by the methodology from a Cloud user and Cloud provider point of view.
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García García, A., Blanquer, I. Cloud Services Representation using SLA Composition. J Grid Computing 13, 35–51 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-014-9295-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-014-9295-6