Providing a real-time cloud service requires simultaneously retrieving a large amount of data. How to improve the performance of file access becomes a great challenge. This paper first addresses the preconditions of dealing with this problem considering the requirements of applications, hardware, software, and network environments in the cloud. Then, a novel distributed layered cache system named HDCache is proposed. HDCahe is built on the top of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Applications can integrate the client library of HDCache to access the multiple cache services. The cache services are built up with three access layers an in-memory cache, a snapshot of the local disk, and a network disk provided by HDFS. The files loaded from HDFS are cached in a shared memory which can be directly accessed by the client library. In order to improve robustness and alleviate workload, the cache services are organized in a peer-to-peer style using a distributed hash table and every cached file has three replicas scattered in different cache service nodes. Experimental results show that HDCache can store files with a wide range in their sizes and has the access performance in a millisecond level under highly concurrent environments. The tested hit ratio obtained from a real-world cloud serviced is higher than 95 %.
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Zhang, J., Li, Q. & Zhou, W. HDCache: A Distributed Cache System for Real-Time Cloud Services. J Grid Computing 14, 407–428 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-015-9360-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-015-9360-9