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A Survey on Global Management View: Toward Combining System Monitoring, Resource Management, and Load Prediction

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Today, enterprise applications impose more and more resource requirements to support an ascending number of clients and to deliver them an acceptable Quality of Service (QoS). To ensure such requirements are met, it is essential to apply appropriate resource and application monitoring techniques. Such techniques collect data to enable predictions and actions which can offer better system performance. Typically, system administrators need to consider different data sources, so making the relationship among them by themselves. To address these gaps and considering the context of general networked-based systems, we propose a survey that combines a discussion about system monitoring, data prediction, and resource management procedures in a unified view. The article discusses resource and application monitoring, resource management, and data forecast at both performance and architectural perspectives of enterprise systems. Our idea is to describe consolidated subjects such as monitoring metrics and resource scheduling, together with novel trends, including cloud elasticity and artificial intelligence-based load prediction algorithms. This survey links the aforesaid three pillars, emphasizing relationships among them and also pointing out opportunities and research challenges in the area.

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This article was partially supported by the following Brazilian agencies: CAPES, CNPq and FAPERGS. In addition, we would like to thank DELL for also supporting this research.

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da Rosa Righi, R., Lehmann, M., Gomes, M.M. et al. A Survey on Global Management View: Toward Combining System Monitoring, Resource Management, and Load Prediction. J Grid Computing 17, 473–502 (2019).

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