Microservice-based architectures are gaining popularity for their benefits in software development. Distributed tracing can be used to help operators maintain observability in this highly distributed context, and find problems such as latency, and analyse their context and root cause. However, exploring and working with distributed tracing data is sometimes difficult due to its complexity and application specificity, volume of information and lack of tools. The most common and general tools available for this kind of data, focus on trace-level human-readable data visualisation. Unfortunately, these tools do not provide good ways to abstract, navigate, filter and analyse tracing data. Additionally, they do not automate or aid with trace analysis, relying on administrators to do it themselves. In this paper we propose using tracing data to extract service metrics, dependency graphs and work-flows with the objective of detecting anomalous services and operation patterns. We implemented and published open source prototype tools to process tracing data, conforming to the OpenTracing standard, and developed anomaly detection methods. We validated our tools and methods against real data provided by a major cloud provider. Results show that there is an underused wealth of actionable information that can be extracted from both metric and morphological aspects derived from tracing. In particular, our tools were able to detect anomalous behaviour and situate it both in terms of involved services, work-flows and time-frame. Furthermore, we identified some limitations of the OpenTracing format—as well as the industry accepted tracing abstractions—, and provide suggestions to test trace quality and enhance the standard.
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Data Availability
The data that support the findings of this study are available from Huawei Research, but restrictions apply to the availability of these data, which were used under license for the current study, and so are not publicly available. Data are however available from the authors upon reasonable request and with permission of Huawei Research. All our source code was made available in GitHub.Footnote 1
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This work was produced with the support of INCD funded by FCT and FEDER, under the project 01/SAICT/2016 n 022153 and was partially carried out under the project P2020 - 31/SI/2017: AESOP — Autonomic Service Operation, supported by Portugal 2020 and UE-FEDER. This work was also partially supported by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project CISUC - UID/CEC/00326/2020 and by the European Social Fund, through the Regional Operational Program Centro 2020.
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Bento, A., Correia, J., Filipe, R. et al. Automated Analysis of Distributed Tracing: Challenges and Research Directions. J Grid Computing 19, 9 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-021-09551-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-021-09551-5