Osmotic Computing represents a glue solution able to manage the deployment and orchestration of interconnected microelements across heterogeneous physical and virtual infrastructures (e.g., IoT, Edge and Cloud nodes) according to the behavior of hardware and software components during the time. The adoption of Osmotic Computing is challenging, but addressing networking issues is a key research topic due to the emergence of new problems in terms of QoS requirements. In this paper, we analyze how to exploit well-known networking solutions, such as the Dijkstra’s algorithm, and Big Data oriented technologies, such as the Hadoop and MapReduce, to provide efficient newtorking functionalities in Osmotic Computing. In particular, our objective is to minimize the routing path computation time in the software defined network (SDN) at the basis of microelement networking, as well as to ensure a global view and a high level of dynamism of our network topology. To accomplish this task, we process routing tables through a MapReduce based implementation of the Dijkstra’s algorithm whenever a topology change occurs, and we export routing results into the SDN. Our experimental results show that our networking strategy drastically reduces the best path computation time whenever the network of microelements is very large.

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Fazio, M., Buzachis, A., Galletta, A. et al. A Map-Reduce Approach for the Dijkstra Algorithm in SDN Over Osmotic Computing Systems. Int J Parallel Prog 49, 347–375 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10766-021-00693-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10766-021-00693-3