In this work, we have developed a speech mode classification model for improving the performance of phone recognition system (PRS). In this paper, we have explored vocal tract system, excitation source and prosodic features for development of speech mode classification (SMC) model. These features are extracted from voiced regions of a speech signal. In this study, conversation, extempore, and read speech are considered as three different modes of speech. The vocal tract component of speech is extracted using Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs). The excitation source features are captured through Mel power differences of spectrum in sub-bands (MPDSS) and residual Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (RMFCCs) of the speech signal. The prosody information is extracted from pitch and intensity. Speech mode classification models are developed using above described features independently, and in fusion. The experiments carried out on Bengali speech corpus to analyze the accuracy of the speech mode classification model using the artificial neural network (ANN), naive Bayes, support vector machines (SVMs) and k-nearest neighbor (KNN). We proposed four classification models which are combined using maximum voting approach for optimal performance. From the results, it is observed that speech mode classification model developed using the fusion of vocal tract system, excitation source and prosodic features of speech, yields the best performance of 98%. Finally, the proposed speech mode classifier is integrated to the PRS, and the accuracy of phone recognition system is observed to be improved by 11.08%.

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Tripathi, K., Rao, K.S. Improvement of phone recognition accuracy using speech mode classification. Int J Speech Technol 21, 489–500 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10772-017-9483-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10772-017-9483-4