Internet of Things (IoT) is considered as a scheme that consists of smart objects furnished with sensors, processing and networking technologies amalgamated to work together and provide an ecosystem in which smart services are delivered to end-users. Fog computing is the name given to a next level computing that extends cloud services closer to the end-devices. The main idea behind the introduction of this concept is the reduction of latency that exists in a typical IoT-cloud scenario. But, if on one side it accelerates the computing jobs; on the off-side, it increases the attack surface due to the presence of fog layer in between the two existing layers. The data gets computed near to the end-user, thus making it more vulnerable. Hence, it may be said that the threats that may not even exist in a cloud environment come into the picture at fog level. In this paper, we intend to thoroughly discuss various fog level architectures with the threats prevalent at this layer through systematic literature review (SLR). This article aims to classify systematically and statistically, analyse the prevalent attacks that occur in IoT-Fog scheme that are published between 2012- 2020. When two or more devices share information, trust plays a pre-eminent role. So, the authors have also considered ‘trust' in this study. The effect of trust on the different pillars of security is critically examined. Also, it is found that most of the researchers are emphasizing to prioritize trust in Fog- IoT scenario as it is a point of paramount significance.

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Verma, R., Chandra, S. A Systematic Survey on Fog steered IoT: Architecture, Prevalent Threats and Trust Models. Int J Wireless Inf Networks 28, 116–133 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10776-020-00499-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10776-020-00499-z