Anycast is a special operation in ad hoc networks, where source communicates with one suitable destination in anycast zone. AAODV or anycast ad hoc on demand distance vector is an anycast routing protocol designed as an extension of AODV protocol to enable any cast operation in ad hoc networks. However, requirement of stability comes to existence where a huge number of data packets are to be transmitted from anycast source to anycast zone. If source elects one particular peripheral node of the anycast zone and the peripheral anycast destination goes out of the specified zone after receiving only a few number of packets , then source has to again broadcast route requests leading to huge message cost in the network. In our present work, we predict the presence of selected peripheral destination in anycast zone based on its history of location and velocity in earlier time stamps, which is used during route selection in AAODV. Also flooding of route request is directional based on coordinates of anycast zone supplied to the source. This helps to restrain flooding of route request within a limited portion of network.

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Ghosh, S., Banerjee, A. ARMA Model Based Anycast AODV (ARMA-AAODV) for Performance Improvement in Scalable Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Int J Wireless Inf Networks 28, 199–216 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10776-021-00505-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10776-021-00505-y