In the last few years, the demand of robust beamforming techniques has been increased significantly to serve numerous purposes. However, beamforming under low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) condition has always been a challenging task, which becomes more tedious in case of multiple sources. On the other hand, there are numerous factors such as steering vector error or similar estimation error problems that confine the efficiency of major beamforming techniques. Classical methods employ Eigen-Value Decomposition (EVD) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) over covariance matrix of the received signal; however their efficiency is limited under low SNR and multi-source condition, and perform inferiorly in case of steering vector errors. Such approaches are limited to achieve optimal Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) estimation that degrades the overall performance of the beamformer. Considering all these limitations, in this research, the focus is made on designing a robust DOA estimation model, followed by a novel beamformer for 8-element Uniform Linear Array (ULA). The simulation work consists two parts DOA estimation and beamforming. Unlike classical MUSIC and ESPRIT algorithms popular for DOA estimation our proposed model exploits the propagation method based subspace method where at first covariance matrix is obtained for the received signal, which is followed by normalization and Cross-Correlation matrix estimation. The obtained correlation matrix is processed for Generalized Eigen-Value Decomposition (GEVD) that efficiently obtained (orthogonal) subspace and SOI separation to yield DOA information. This approach enables more efficient DOA estimation even under low-SNR and steering vector error conditions. After obtaining DOA information, a novel adaptive beamformer is designed by using MVDR and FROST in parallel. DOA information from proposed model is given as input to the adaptive MVDR FROST beamforming model. Exploiting dynamic Signal-to-Interference ratio (SINR) by each beamformer our proposed method introduces an adaptation model that intends to achieve higher SINR value. MATLAB 2018a based simulation confirmed the robustness of the proposed model in terms of DOA estimation and beamforming results.

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Mane, S.V., Bombale, U.L. Robust and Efficient DOA-Steered Adaptive MVDR-FROST Beamforming Model for Multi-source Low SNR Environment. Int J Wireless Inf Networks 28, 162–174 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10776-021-00506-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10776-021-00506-x