Executing bag-of-tasks applications in multiple Cloud environments while satisfying both consumers’ budgets and deadlines poses the following challenges: How many resources and how many hours should be allocated? What types of resources are required? How to coordinate the distributed execution of bag-of-tasks applications in resources composed from multiple Cloud providers?. This work proposes a genetic algorithm for estimating suboptimal sets of resources and an agent-based approach for executing bag-of-tasks applications simultaneously constrained by budgets and deadlines. Agents (endowed with distributed algorithms) compose resources and coordinate the execution of bag-of-tasks applications. Empirical results demonstrate that the genetic algorithm can autonomously estimate sets of resources to execute budget-constrained and deadline-constrained bag-of-tasks applications composed of more economical (but slower) resources in the presence of loose deadlines, and more powerful (but more expensive) resources in the presence of large budgets. Furthermore, agents can efficiently and successfully execute randomly generated bag-of-tasks applications in multi-Cloud environments.

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This work was supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant funded by the Korean Government (MEST) (KRF-2009-220-D00092) and the DASAN International Faculty Fund (project code: 140316). The authors would like to thank the Guest Editors and the anonymous referees for their comments and suggestions.
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Gutierrez-Garcia, J.O., Sim, K.M. GA-based cloud resource estimation for agent-based execution of bag-of-tasks applications. Inf Syst Front 14, 925–951 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-011-9327-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-011-9327-8